"sprint-when-you-flick-the-left-trigger mod" Does not work...

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New Member
I cannot enable the "sprint-when-you-flick-the-left-trigger mod"
1) I go to in-game options set my button layout to tactical
2) Holding down the mod switch and holding down the Y button I change it to tactical button layout setting.
3) I enable auto sprint, hold down the mod switch and hold the back button ( What is the "back button!!??) I assume Odingalt is referring to the mod switch button, then tap your sprint button. Player 3 LED does twinkle and stays lit.
But when I attempt to Auto Sprint by flicking the rifle scope-in button (LT)? Nothing happens am like Seriously WTF!!! You would not believe how many times I have attempted to this to no avail.
4) When that has failed I have gone back to the in game options button lay out screen and set it to default followed by changing the button layout on the controller back to default layout via mod switch.
And still nothing.

I implore you to provide a set of instructions or make a video on how to enable this mod. I am really frustrated.

BTW How do I use the
Windows USB Rapidfire Software?
I am a noob as you can probably tell lol


Well-Known Member
try flicking it quick twice to see if that works.....sometimes you have to get use to it.... if the light is on it should work.


ModdingBros Representative
Hey werewolf6 I thought I'd help out by better explaining what the back button is. The back button (for example) would be like the select button on a nes controller. If u look at the Xbox controller it actually says "back" in very tiny letters. And of course there's the start button.

The mod would work as stated; hold mod button, while holding mod button hold back or select button, while holding these two buttons click the LS button. That will pit in in the auto sprint setup. I believe your using sniper breath which works but is stubbern hints double tapping LT.

There are other various mod classes that use this three button press configuration. Like turbo knives. Mod switch + back or select button + RS. If u just press mod + RS u get quickscope. If there are any mods your not sure of just post a repley and I'll inform u to how they operate :)
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