Streaming Halo 4 Come and Watch!


ModdingBros Co-Leader
This is already over so might as well not have a discussion on this forum. It wasn't illegal so who cares.

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ModdingBros Leader
Yes it is it is illegal, Odin doesnt want to get his website shut down over something like this.


ModdingBros Co-Leader
It's not on his website though it's on twitch, so there is no way he could get shut down.

modded matt

Active Member
The link could flag the forum, however since it is not hosted on this forum's server, no laws have been violated.


ModdingBros Leader
Hmmm alright usually Odin doesnt want any of this type of stuff on here, and technically to get the game a law was violated just not on the website itself.


New Member
this isnt illegal... some people have the real copy but nonetheless who cares... we dont know and dont wanna kno what he has


ModdingBros Leader
If you are someone who has the real copy then you are someway associated with Microsoft and if Microsoft caught you then you would definetly lose your job and I'm sure legal actions would be taken against you. Im just trying to keep this type of thing off of the forums and trying to get my friend here to stop releasing things that he can get in trouble for.