attach your vks to the post that way we can see what you are seeing.
If you are looking at the program the 16 circles can house different macros. The default blakc ops has 1 page if you will of macros assigned. Then you can use a tack button to page left through the different macros. Notice when you put your mouse over a button your circle of options display the page left is the left circle arrow and the page right is the right circle arrow. I will install camtaisa studio and do a quick and dirty video on this. The cd that comes with the controller has a few videos and also those videos are under the support tab
To make a long story shot. the VKS files are sets of macros. the VKM files are individual macros. So if i take the default blackops load i can assign that vkm you have to a tac button. If you want to add a macro to that set