The joys of having a 3D Printer


New Member
I was having trouble using the underside paddle shifter as well as I liked. So I thought I'd put my 3D printer to good use and came up with making some extended 'wings' that attach to the paddle shifter using the screw mounts. Now it makes using the extra buttons a breeze! It’s gone through a few versions so far, this one is my latest, although I still want to try a few more adjustments. Let me know what you think. Thanks :)







New Member
Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Yeah I haven't had the 3D Printer long. Still learning what works and what doesn't work. So far it has become a limitless tool for projects, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This is exactly how we envisioned using the interchangeable paddle system!!!! Nice to actually see this go to fruition!! Thanks for sharing


New Member
Your welcome. :) Since those 3D printed pictures, the 3D printed paddles have gone through a few updates. I'm more than welcome to share the STL file. If your not able to print it yourself I can always send one out to you guys to try it out yourself? :)



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Warning, anything you send me could end up being a product on this website! lol If you end up with any rejects you are going to throw away I'd gladly take one to try out - I am really curious to know how these feel. I'm just excited somebody had seen the same vision for these paddle switches. I would almost call my paddle switch kit an unfinished kit, needing further customization like this.

Did you get the other style paddles for Berserker or need any extra pieces or parts? I could send you some backups to play with. Always happy to help out with the DIY stuff. I really miss doing DIY for the joy of it.


New Member
LOL! Ohhh I'll just ask for a small percentage of the profits. heheh I'll gladly send you one to try out and see what you think. They only take @ an hour to print, so it wont be any trouble. It be great to have any thoughts on maybe an improved design, from another person. I do have 2 other paddle styles that came with the controller, but I wasn't able to use them cause the 'chat pad' gets in the I basically just worked on the one design that worked for me. I'm pretty sure I could create something as well for the other 2 layouts, it would just take me a bit of time. :)
