The Name Tyr's Hand


I was reading a book with some norse mythology in it and finaly get the name Tyr's Hand. What better to use to pown your enemies than the hand of the god of war? Genious name guys, but you shoyuld have used it on the raven in my opinion. The best of the best should have been named for the god of war. But then again, Odin was the king of the gods, so a controller fit for a king. If you ever get around to a PS3 chip, you should name it after Loki, because he was a shape-shifter, and the Viking will have "shape-shifted" into a PS3 controller.


New Member
I think the names of the controllers come from things in world of warcraft lol. I think i remember that from searching google.


No, norse mythology is the religion of the vikings. Odin was the king of the norse gods, and Thor was his son. I always knew that, but I just found out about Tyr not that long ago. I don't know, maybe they are in world of warcraft too though. I'll ask my WOW adict friend on monday.


New Member
Nice. Thats probly where wow got it lol. Although i wouldnt know. I dont play wow


Neither do I, despite my friends protestations. Apperently, if he had a minimum wage job instead of WOW, he would have made over $75000.


New Member
lol i used to play a certain game on the internet that i think i have over like 181 DAYS OF PLAYTIME. that would be like $32,00 at current minimum wage, before taxes(lol...). wich sadly isnt that much money at all when you think about it....MINIMUM WAGE BLOWS


New Member
Haha i always wondered about the changed names once the site was updated.
Thanks for clearing up the details