I think you guys are going to like the page features of the new macro modded controller once you give it a try.
The most annoying thing to me about traditional modded rapidfire controllers, is having to wait while it is scrolling through modes all frickin' day long. I get killed a lot sitting there waiting for the controller to scroll into the mode I need.
With the new 'pages', the change is instant. You can skip from page 1 to page 3 instantly with two clicks of the tac switch. Plus this is going to be a lot better for multiple character setups - maybe one page will have the stuff you want for sniper (akimbo and auto sniper breath hold and knife melee button re-mapped to one of the tac switches); maybe on page 2 you can setup for the guns you like to use jitter-mod on, and so on.
Maybe you just program the right tac switch #3 for jitter mod, so if a guy catches you off-guard up close, you just hit the tac switch and spray him in the face. Hell, you could program a tac switch to pull up your shotgun and start jitter-modding all over the place when you get surprised.
You could program a tac switch to pull out the dual pistols and unload both clips at the push of a button.
You can use a tac switch as a 'shift key'; that is, while you hold down the tac switch, rapidfire is on - when you release the tac switch, rapidfire is off. So maybe you don't like to toggle it on and off and you would prefer to 'hold' it on.
Want to use your X button for defusing? Set up one of the extra tac switches for fast reload instead. I think if you guys try just the basics of programming some macros to the tac switches and getting used to the fast page scrolling (I mean it's instant) you're going to like the new setup. Once you see how much better your k/d ratio is when you aren't sitting there toggling modes all day...