to who put my odin raven se together


New Member
So i go my raven in today love it. But my d-pad is backwards and the left ps3 thumbstick feels like crap. It wont' turn easy and i have to hit it a few times to get it to run. So to who put my controller together next time take your time puttin it back together.

modded matt

Active Member
how can a dpad be backwards? first of all it is never removed when installing a viking. second, even if it was, it is non directional.


modded matt said:
how can a dpad be backwards? first of all it is never removed when installing a viking. second, even if it was, it is non directional.

If they add a Black Dpad it would be removed, but still I'm not sure how it would be backwards lol


New Member
O heck I guess i was just so anxious about gettin the odin i frikin forgot. And i have't played cod4 on xbox i played it on ps3


schwettynuts said:
modded matt wrote:
please just go away, the left thumb stick will never make you run. try the right stick.

Um... They're the same. I pointed it out, and I play on a PS3.


New Member
ok all i want to know is this a problem wht the ps3 knobs on the xbox contorller. and modded matt this is a forum so i can ask about anything don't be a d!ck

modded matt

Active Member
sorry, its just hard to take you seriously after this statment:

schwettynuts said:
When i play mw2 to use my killstreaks i have to press the right dpad. Maybe i should just go lie down in a hole somewhere.
ever heard of the kid who cried wolf?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Which of the SE's is this? If the problem gets to be serious don't open the controller, just open a support ticket and try to arrange to get it sent back for a look in the shop.