Nice work. I made a couple akimbos myself and added them into my folder. I made them for Tac, LT & RT and made them out of my three dot RF and made one with 9.3 sps thats pretty badass. I also made one thats not super fast but very stable and reliable for every weapon. Its the same as the 3 dot RF u have at .50 but its slowed down to .44. Still fast but very stable and all bullets fire off in perfect sequence. I really never liked making RFs but now I got a new FAL and SMR RF thats beast and the SVU-XPR works great on snipers and the second shotgun for RF. U should check out some of my new stuff and see if u can tweak them to work better. Im pretty burned out on making macros for this game and I see peolpe have been makin some real gem macros so Im pretty much leaving it up to everybody else to come up with new stuff. I like playin with what others have been making. I like what i see. keep it up bonefisher your tearing it up!