Tut: Getting 100 SpeeechCraft in under 1 hour using your macro controller!!


Active Member
Step 1: Use your macro controller. Put this macro on a tac: http://viking360.com/download-software-drivers/macro-library?macro=996

Step 2: Go to Riften, go to the right-ish to the Meadery. Talk to Ungrien, the guy behind the counter.

Step 3: Scroll down one, so your cursor is hovering over "Tell me about Maven Black-Briar."

Step 4: Press the the tac that has this macro on it: http://viking360.com/download-software-drivers/macro-library?macro=996

Step 5: Success! Simply let your controller run its course. It'll keep pressing A. It's recommended to use a rechargeable battery that is plugged into your console via the PnC cable.

By letting this macro run, it'll continue to persuade Ungrien and increase your speechcraft.


ModdingBros Leader
I might try this once I find where the guy is that I have to talk to. I havent got too far in the game.


Hmpf, I tried this the other day, and on the PC version it seems that that guy doesn't give any points to speachcraft, probably like it's supposed to be...


Active Member
Hmpf, I tried this the other day, and on the PC version it seems that that guy doesn't give any points to speachcraft, probably like it's supposed to be...

You probably could mod yourself 100 speechcraft in under 5 minutes for the PC version.


lol true, it takes liek 10 seconds. I suppose I shouldn't be disapointed if glitches don't work lol... You can give yurself any item or levels or anything really with the console.


Something else that worked in Oblivion, but I dunno about Skyrim, is increae sneak by walking into the wall beside a sleeping NPC. I did it with an elastic on the PS3 version of Oblivion lol.