Thanks for the quick reply. I found the factory setup, just after I posted, but thanks for the link.
the software seems really limited in terms of how I can customize it. forcing akimbo as the only option in a slot. the factory setup has way more options than the software does. But you can tweak the firing rates. Is this just a limitation of the tyr's hand being rapid fire only?
The factory option has rapidfire on one slot, and then akimbo and burst firing on the other slot. On the factory setup, there's no way to quickly turn akimbo or burst firing on or off.
The customization software has rapidfire and burst firing on one slot, and akimbo on the other slot. On the customization software, you can set it up so you can turn burst firing or akimbo on and off quickly. But, you have to have your burst mixed in with your rapidfire modes, and akimbo eats up your other slot no matter what. The customization software does allow "toggle on/off" of both slots which isn't available on the factory setup (which requires the user to "Scroll through" burst and akimbo to turn them off)
I'd agree with you but go one step further and say both setups are sort of limited in their own ways, have their own advantages in their own ways.
I've pinged sales to see about upgrading to the new ragnaroks. that would be an upgrade yes and more customizable with the software?
Best and happy new year,
In a way, Ragnarok is less customizable but more flexible. The reason I say that is the Ragnarok doesn't have "slots" per say, like the legacy controllers. Everything on the Ragnarok can be accessed by holding the mod switch + tapping a button. The "modes" are only needed if you want to further customization a feature.
For example, on the Tyr's Hand factory setup, you have to scroll from Burst Firing to Akimbo Firing... then scroll to Off... Burst-Burst-Akimbo-Off... if that makes sense. On the Ragnarok, you can go to Akimbo (hold mod switch + tap dpad left), Burst (hold mod switch + tap dpad right), or Off (hold mod switch + tap dpad down) in a heartbeat without having to scroll. On top of that, there are four different Akimbo modes (hold mod switch + HOLD dpad left) and four different Burst firing modes (hold mod switch + HOLD dpad right) that can be access by scrolling.
So in my view, you don't need "slots" to customize, since all of the features can be accessed through a touch of the mod switch, plus you can have multiple special features turned on at the same time, i.e. turn on dropshot, fast reload and sniper hold breath at the same time. We did away with "slots" on the Ragnarok because things would get very clogged and bulky and slow if we tried to pack that many features into just two slots like on the legacy controllers.
Hope this makes sense!