UFC Undisputed


New Member
Anyone had any luck with the Viking mod for UFC Undisputed? I would like an easy way to get subs against the computer, instead of button mashing or using the shine technique.



New Member
I believe the WWE preset will work on this game.....its just a button mashing code that includes some of the controller face buttons....might make for easier submissions.


New Member
I tried but the button mashing means once u get out of submission or take the opponent down to the mat your fighter goes on to tire himself out really fast and can be submitted too easily.


Could you break a submission in the same amount of time every time if the button presses were identicle? In that case maybe you could have a submission break on a tact or something...
with the new hid boot loader can you manual select the speed of the button press for the remote like you can with call of duty? and if so how fast can you set it to b4 it just wont work?...........Or will there be presets just for this game?