New Member
I got a just got my Ragnarok, but it didn't come with the USB programming cable. I have an Ipod shuffle cable, will that work..?
Very true. Make sure that u did indeed by the usb programming ragnarok. If there isn't a 3.5mm jack hole in the bottom right then u just have the regular ragnarok. Its not a bad thing. It should have the latest firmware on it and u can always manually program the speed settings u want to use.it does have a hole on the bottom of it right?
So will an Ipod shuffle usb -> 3.5mm jack work? because I cant buy one of the jacks from here because it says I have to spend $25 plus, and I only need the cable..
I feel specialragnaroks dont come with the usb cables only macros come with the usb cables. The 3.5mm jack is used with the ragnarok firmware to reprogram the speeds on your controller. Thermal m16 has a great thread explaining all the speeds u want to program for bo2. U can also reprogram speeds on the fly but i wont get into explaining the whole process for its way to long to walk through.