used viking macro.


New Member
If you don't allow selling on here just remove the thread. I have a macro I used on gears 3 and only play mw3 now. It has only been used a handful of times. And if no interest on here or selling is not allowed I will be placing it on ebay under this same user name. Awesome controller but I just never get a chance to use it with work and only playing mw3. It is flawless and good as New


Active Member
With an ebay account and 100%, 100%! feedback, you can post the ebay link. You may not sell under the forums in any other condition other than ebay 100%.
Your macro controller will work for MW3. I have one and it works perfectly for the game. If you're so inclined, and put it on E-bay, please post here in the forums. I, for one, would be an interested consumer.


New Member
Your macro controller will work for MW3. I have one and it works perfectly for the game. If you're so inclined, and put it on E-bay, please post here in the forums. I, for one, would be an interested consumer.
I know it will work on mw3 but i have no use whatsoever for it with my play style and choice of weaopons! i use machine pistols as and play hardcore so any of the regualr assault rifles are fine. The only real use i could get out of it is the turbo knife and the reload cancel (which if you have came across any of my earlier posts you will see that i already did the reload without a macro) i have always been a reload/sprint guy and it cost me in earlier versions of cod . I would always have to stop and reload again due to cutting it short with the sprint and i found it worked to my advantage early on with mw3!!. So yeah i dont really have a use for it with mw3 and i will post it on or before the weekend and provide a link (HOPEFULLY). I have to get some pics first.


New Member
Come on guys got an offer of $186 and the buy it now is just $199...we are so close. Who is gonna get an awesome deal on this controller . Just purchased at the end of October and hasn't been played with since the first week mw3 came out!!!


New Member
Thanks guys. Apparantely I have had one guy who was upset when I declined his $150 offer enough so that he sent me a message saying he made me a fair offer and why would he give $198 when he could get a New one for 249. I told him to get a New one and get over himself ,I'm sure Odingalt would rather him do that lol.... The kid almost acted like I should have been flattered that he offered me the $150
Edit ...update...And this kid just won't quit . Never seen someone so butthurt that their offer wasn't accepted. Called me a crook and cussed me. It really hurt my feelings lmao. I hope he reads this and realizes how big of a tool he is , heck it might be a girl ... That would explain things!!! Never had an ebay experience like this one. He is psychotic. Hope he takes his medication.
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