using the controller


New Member
how in the actual frick do you use the beserker, no wonder he doesnt sell anymore, its the most complicated thing ever!!! the macro was way easier!! there is no place in this forum that shows how to get anything onto the controller.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
-Hold both bumpers while powering up controller to put the Berserker into programming mode.
-Plug in the USB cable from computer to the programming port on your Berserker.
-(If you are not near your X1 console, then also plug a second USB cable from charge port on controller to any power source)
-Purple lights should be flashing, purple means it's in programming mode and talking to the PC.
-Load up the Windows or MacOS app and hover your mouse over the runepack you want to load into the controller.

Indeed, everything liked 360 macro better. We sent out a survey and everybody said they wanted this, wanted that, etc. etc. We packed in all the new features customers asked for into the new Berserker. But then they said they didn't like it after all lol. Downfall of Viking in the end was listening to customer feedback on the XBOX 360 Macro product. Would have been a lot better to just regurgitate XBOX 360 Macro design over to the XBOX One and ignore all those customer new feature requests.


i must say i like the berserker better sure theres a learning curve but not a big one i think some ppl just needto take the time to do all the research first on how the controller works check the manual. once you know how everything works pretty straight foward