

I've seen people offering to fix it for $30. It's pretty rare anyways, I don't know a single person who hasn't gone through more than one 360, but I know only one person who had their PS3 break.


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
I've seen people offering to fix it for $30. It's pretty rare anyways, I don't know a single person who hasn't gone through more than one 360, but I know only one person who had their PS3 break.
i know but if your ps3 breaks its finished


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
I've seen people offering to fix it for $30. It's pretty rare anyways, I don't know a single person who hasn't gone through more than one 360, but I know only one person who had their PS3 break.

My original Xbox 360 Elite has not broken down at all...... I do play it quite a bit, but I also have three other Xbox 360's too.....

Hey PS3, do you even own an Xbox 360??


Useful Poster
hmmm im gone for a couple days and i like how this thread has gone from
viking modchip------>valhalla xbox------->red ring------->ps3------>valhalla xbox-------->valhalla mod chip.


New Member
I got the new xbox; and set it next to my original xbox 360 elite (that hasn't broken or been loud once in 2 years), and it's really not worth the money. It looks cooler but it has downfalls to. Like, since it was new and I put it in my house, my cat came up and started sniffering it, and stuck her nose on the power pad, and that thing is so sensitive that it turned off my xbox, and she barely touched it. Also; no more profile modding with this HDD, I can't even seem to find where to take it out and see it. The good part is the extra 2 USB ports, the slimmer look, the 250gb harddrive (you really only need 100 for an xbox..), and the built in Wi-Fi (wi-fi fails). So ask yourself: is $300 worth 2 USB ports + nicer looks + un-needed huge harddrive + Wi-Fi (which most competitive gamers won't use)? I personally think no; but if you have the money, why not? :) As for the chip, it looks nice. I also can't wait for the viking chip.


Useful Poster
aw nice you got it? and why dont you think competitive gamers wont use the wifi? it is faster than the ethernet port i believe, so that means better connection. and i think the touch buttons are a waste too. have you opened it yet or are you not going to.


New Member
I was just looking for something like a removable HDD, but I'm not going to open it. Wi-Fi is decent, but I personally don't think its better than a direct corded connection, but that's just my opinion. I might do some tests on my computer and set up wireless and main modem hook-up, and let you know which is better if you'd like. The touch pad is nice, but isn't good for a gaming console in my own opinion, since its so easy to accidentally turn off. But yeah, now that I think about it, if I put the router right next to the xbox, I could see how wi-fi could be faster with such a nice receiver built into the xbox.


Fredrow said:
PS3andCOD said:
I've seen people offering to fix it for $30. It's pretty rare anyways, I don't know a single person who hasn't gone through more than one 360, but I know only one person who had their PS3 break.

My original Xbox 360 Elite has not broken down at all...... I do play it quite a bit, but I also have three other Xbox 360's too.....

Hey PS3, do you even own an Xbox 360??

My PS3 is a launch 60 gig, it's unit number is under 1000 (I think that's for Canada or something... not really sure.) I have 3 or 4 friends who also have 60 gigs working perfectly. I do in fact have a 360, it's a brick, multiple different RROD error codes if you do different things... I might be geting one off a friend that's been in the closet since the drive broke, it might be jtagable. I hope to replace the drive with the one from my brick that may or may not work.

For the wired VS wireless, it depends on where your xbox is, and if you're using wireless G or N. G is up to 54 MB/s and a wire is 100MB/s. Different N routers have different speeds, but most can beat the wire with a good signal strength... Anywhere from 108 to 300 MB/s with no obstruckions.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I always use wired for gaming. Wireless = dropped packets = lag = you just got pwned. Run a continuous ping from your computer to your wireless router some time (over your wireless connection) and watch how many times it drops the connection or lags out to 100+ ms (just from your PC to the router)


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
I never thought about the ping... I'll have to get a cable, I've been meaning to, but I'm too cheap.

I don't mean to be a dick....never mind, yeah I do...... But what where you thinking about??

Also when you go get a new cable make sure to pick up a CAt6 cable over the CAt5 cable.......


Useful Poster
Sorry for my ignorance, but what are the differences between cat5 and cat6. and i have a bunch of ethernet cords hanging around, how do i tell if they are cat5 or cat6?


I was just looking at the MB/s. You're right though, the ping is gonna be more important for gaming. I'm gonna have to measure the distance I need, because the shorter the cable the better ping, so I don't want one way too long. Cat5 and cat6 are basically quality measures. Cat6 is faster, and just plain better. If it's a cheepo cable (You can get them at the dollar store here, 6 feet long) then it's basicaly guarunteed to be only Cat5. Some of them will say on their sides, but not all of them, so if you don't have the package you might not be able to tell.


New Member
I use 5 Ethernet Cables, 1=Xbox S, 2=Xbox Elite, 3=PS3, 4=Computer, and 1 hooking my modem up to my router. I have a Linksys WRT54G router, and all of the ethernet cables are Cat5 (according to the printing on the side). As I have all of my things in 1 big wall-size entertainment center, I wouldn't need huge cables to replace (6 feet/each), but I was wondering.. Should I spend the $25 to upgrade all of my ethernet cables to Cat6? I mean, will it really make a difference? NOTE: Usually I'll just have the computer and 1 Xbox/PS3 on at the same time.