Our ZIP code is 99336. If you go to FedEx.com you can get shipping time estimates if you punch in our ZIP code and your ZIP code, plus the service you're interested in.
DON'T FORGET TO ADD PROCESSING TIME! 24 hours for pre-built controllers and up to 3 days for custom builds.
Quality takes timeWould a Tyrs hand be considered a pre-built if I order it with LED's?
Currently, we're shipping out all orders same-day or next-day - even custom builts. That could change as we get into November and December holiday shopping.
For the month of September, we're incredibly slow, anything you order should ship out the very next day.
You won't be disappointed. Viking is the best. Congratulations on your new controller purchase.I was going to wait until monday came to order, but now that you said that. I'm going to order Today