Viking LED lights


New Member
I just got my viking, and im wondering how to make my LED's colored for default player 1, 2, 3 and 4.

I know how to change the pages color, but thats not what im asking


Active Member
As of now there is no implementation for this...

just pick any button that doesn't have a macro on it, a tactical switch or A / B / Y, whatever you'd like.

Make a macro on this button for LED 1, 2, 3, and / or 4. Make the gear settings speed 0.01.

Basically drag the LED sequence from 0.1 to 1 minute, then speed 0.01... I believe that should be sufficient time. Do that for whatever LED, 1 - 4 ... etc.

That's all we have for now, 4 LEDs / page feature will be worked on in the future.