Viking macro shipping ?


New Member
1 day after I ordered my macro I received a shipping number but fed ex said its invalid and how long does the free shipping take


ModdingBros Leader
Free shipping depending on your country will take around 5 business days. Fedex should have the number working by tomorrow or Monday.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Give it 24 hours for the number to be valid. Free shipping is FedEx Ground service. Delivery time is dependent upon how far you are from the shop at ZIP code 99337.


New Member
Okay it showed up on the 11th but now it's saying its been shipping from troutdale OR bit it's been saying that since the 12


ModdingBros Representative
its just one of those things where your package has more than likely left troutdale Or but a lot of times it doesn't get updated in there computer systems till way later. I have received my package before and had it say that its still on route for like 8 hrs after i received my package. Don't try to stress to hard over it it will get to you soon enough and u will get to experience the greatest modded controller on the market. In the mean time when your waiting for your controller try downloading the new macro software and start creating some macro classes for whatever games u play. There are a lot of macros u can find in game specific macro chat and it will help you kill time by taking your mind and eyes off the shipping tracking. U can really spend hours tailoring out what classes u want to make for your controller and when u get it u can save all the hours of making them then and just plug in and play!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ground means the parcel travels by truck the whole way. Takes a truck driver more than a couple o' days to drive across the USA :)


New Member
MAcro Shipping Problem again

FedEx is possibly the worst shipping company my macro was ordered on the 10th shipped on the 11th and now the estimated delivery is the 23rd this makes me not even want the controller anymore 12 days. I asked FedEx what happened and they told me they gave two packages the same tracking number so now i have to wait another week. I know this has nothing to do with viking but this really makes me want to give it back i spent $290 and just to wait for 2 weeks they actually had it in Syracuse NY which is 3 hours away than the shipped it to Denver WTF are they f***ING stupid:cool::confused:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hi there,

Can you post your Fedex tracking #, or PM us your name from the order?

(Based on the info in your post I have no way of narrowing it down specifically to your order)

Wondering if we can contact Fedex and complain on your behalf, I have the number of our account rep somewhere. It seems like if they put it on the wrong truck, they should expedite the shipment at the point. :-x