Warranty Question


New Member
Hey Viking, I'm just wondering.
I bought my controller in June and I was thinking,what if something happens to the controller pass the warranty date? Is there a way I can pay for a fix up or will I have to contact somebody else for the repair? Just wondering, because it always pays to be prepared right.


Xx Binno xX

New Member
If something happeneds to your controller you should open a support ticket. Tell them what is wrong in great detail so they can try to help you fix it. Also if you are good with soldering or what not you can open up the controller, and try to see what is wrong maybe a wire came unsolder you can solder it back up or what ever. If you are not you can send it in for repair.


Active Member
If it's past warrenty I belive they will fix it but you pay shipping both ways and repair costs(I THINK) I have never had to send anything in so I wouldn't know.....either way your controller should be fine(unless it's already broken?)