I like the R870 shotgun with jitter mode 3 or 7 and firmware V1.4. The new version 1.5 is a little too slow for me and I get killed a lot with it. It fires too slow between rounds. I found if you can control the amount of shots with V1.4...do 2 or 3 round bursts it seems to not switch to the secondary weapon / knife. Have fun!
There are different jitter speed settings. There are 8 total different jitters on your ragnarok. It does make a big difference. Mode 4 and 8 are ideal for BO2. If u run modes 3 and 7 u can use dual pistols like the 3 round burst pistols and have a mule kick jitter if u hold bolth the LT & RT at the same time. Modes 3 & 7 will jitter the LT when the RT is pulled with the LT. Modes 4 & 8 will lock jitter off if your aimed in with the LT. The other jitter modes 1-2 & 5-6 are for the origional BO game. They work off a YY jitter (opposed to BO2 that uses a XYY jitter ). Same concept mode 1 works as a dual jitter and mode 2 works as jiiter with LT jitter cancler, same order as 5-6 but are different speeds. So yes there are different modes of jitter and u should know about them becase it makes a big difference in what games u want to use jitter in and how well they will perform for u in what games your playing in.why run a mode with jitter??? i just run jitter alone and it works fine... i mite be wrong but i didnt think you need to run any other mode with jitter...