What gun will you use Ragnarok/Berserker on in Advanced Warfare?


Well-Known Member
All depends what I can cook up on each weapon! Things are going to be different I'm sure.....I will be using all of them:D


New Member
As you mess with SPS settings for different guns could you pass that info along? I would really really appreciate it Bonefisher!


Well-Known Member
I always help out the Viking Community! Shouldn't take me long at all....once I can get my hands on all the guns.


im sure they'll be semi autos :) there better be a actual class instead of a semi auto, assault rifle.


New Member
I hope they add in a few more semi auto guns with the DLC'S the MK 14 is beast but being limited to one semi auto is lackluster not that I'm really complaining. ;)


Well-Known Member
Try out that speed with the burst weapons... The Imr is beast... Think that is what it's called... Same speed on all the semi and burst guns