what works best?


New Member
i just reset my custom speeed to 20.00 and it has seemed to make my primary weapons (m4a1/scar-h) shoot faster and smoother. i did have it set to 50.00 being new to this stuff i thought it would go really fast but it just seemed like a regular setting. What seems to be the best speed for these weapons if 20.00 isnt it? Would appreciate the input.


New Member
I do not see why you're trying to use a modded controller for guns that already have a pre-rate of fire?


New Member
i use it for more than that...but i would like to know because i also use it for them. I slow down the tar and ak but since the m4 stock has little recoili would like to speed it up to get more rounds down range. Also didnt know i was supposed to be using it in a certain way.


New Member
Im back, bitches

yeah ive always wanted to say that but i forgot about the censoring thing. oh well. 5 weeks away from home really sucked.