Which should i get?


Active Member
jmwisc said:
i know this will probably be biased but which should i get an iPod touch or a viking?

well if you want my viking opinion i say get the viking....but it really depends do you play xbox at least 4-12 hours a day?


New Member
ad if you attacually alread yhave a ipod? it is alll based on pref and money but then agin i would go for the ipod becsue congress is passing a law that makes a tariffe on all imported products and that will effect the consumer so buy the ipod and get the viking later becasue that will not be tariffed so it will stay the same price but the ipod coul;d go up from 1 dollar or 100 or 150 ndollars just depends on the product.


Active Member
LaxWarrior said:
ad if you attacually alread yhave a ipod? it is alll based on pref and money but then agin i would go for the ipod becsue congress is passing a law that makes a tariffe on all imported products and that will effect the consumer so buy the ipod and get the viking later becasue that will not be tariffed so it will stay the same price but the ipod coul;d go up from 1 dollar or 100 or 150 ndollars just depends on the product.
please if your going to post make it legible.


New Member
LaxWarrior said:
ad if you attacually alread yhave a ipod? it is alll based on pref and money but then agin i would go for the ipod becsue congress is passing a law that makes a tariffe on all imported products and that will effect the consumer so buy the ipod and get the viking later becasue that will not be tariffed so it will stay the same price but the ipod coul;d go up from 1 dollar or 100 or 150 ndollars just depends on the product.
please if your going to post make it legible.
i got the most of what he was saying.
However, American citizens are not going to buy ipods for 100+ dollars more than they already are. They just won't do that. Apple will put a factory in the united states if they need to to avoid tarriffs. Consumers will not see a huge price increase from this. But it may cost manufacturers a little more.

At least this is just an assumption. I'm not claiming to know all the facts. But i know i wouldn't pay $400 for an ipod touch.


Active Member
obo said:
LaxWarrior said:
ad if you attacually alread yhave a ipod? it is alll based on pref and money but then agin i would go for the ipod becsue congress is passing a law that makes a tariffe on all imported products and that will effect the consumer so buy the ipod and get the viking later becasue that will not be tariffed so it will stay the same price but the ipod coul;d go up from 1 dollar or 100 or 150 ndollars just depends on the product.
please if your going to post make it legible.
i got the most of what he was saying.
However, American citizens are not going to buy ipods for 100+ dollars more than they already are. They just won't do that. Apple will put a factory in the united states if they need to to avoid tarriffs. Consumers will not see a huge price increase from this. But it may cost manufacturers a little more.

At least this is just an assumption. I'm not claiming to know all the facts. But i know i wouldn't pay $400 for an ipod touch.
also the U.S will not impose an import tax because they banned it in the early 1900s


Active Member
LoveKillzSlowly said:
I would def get the 32GB model or better yet just get a contract with at&t and pay $200 for an iPhone 4g 16GB.

iPod touch prices
8GB $229
32GB $299
64GB $399

Or pick up the HTC EVO 4G..... That's what I got going on, plus it has a removable flash-card..... But I don't keep my music on that anyways. I went out and bought a 16G flash-stick and put all my music on that, and then my Head-Unit in my car has an USB connection on it.... Oh yeah and F&^CK APPLE.....


New Member
Yeah the Evo is a really good phone, I bought one for my pops for his Birthday in August since he was on Sprint. The battery life sucks though. I kinda wish I was still on Sprint since It was much cheaper than AT&T and plus the Evo would have been great for me if it came out a few years back, I was on a Treo 700p and an iPhone 3g back in '08. I was paying $130 for at&t plus $80 for Sprint wayyyy too much. My contract ended for Sprint so I decided not to renew the contract plus I was working for Amazon at the time and needed the AT&T number.

I still prefer the iPhone over any other phone, I am just too addicted to the app store!


New Member
please if your going to post make it legible.[/quote]
i got the most of what he was saying.
However, American citizens are not going to buy ipods for 100+ dollars more than they already are. They just won't do that. Apple will put a factory in the united states if they need to to avoid tarriffs. Consumers will not see a huge price increase from this. But it may cost manufacturers a little more.

At least this is just an assumption. I'm not claiming to know all the facts. But i know i wouldn't pay $400 for an ipod touch.[/quote]
also the U.S will not impose an import tax because they banned it in the early 1900s[/quote]

Just saying that obama is talking to china about this. Also if appel will make a factory in the US then how long with that take brother. a couple of years. so buy the ipod touch and u will be happy with that. it is simple econ. :) christmas is coming you can get the viking or ask for it. :)


Active Member
ok....i have the 32gb ipod touch and i love it!.......but as for phones i agree F^&* apple. i have a samsung movement by sprint....i want to upgrade to the evo though.....its a sick phone


New Member
oh and im gonna get a send in mod from fredrow. urban camo controller with red leds and clear sticks with red leds. its gonna be sick.


New Member
ok....i have the 32gb ipod touch and i love it!.......but as for phones i agree F^&* apple. i have a samsung movement by sprint....i want to upgrade to the evo though.....its a sick phone
kissing fredrows ass thats cute.


Active Member
viking360fan said:
ok....i have the 32gb ipod touch and i love it!.......but as for phones i agree F^&* apple. i have a samsung movement by sprint....i want to upgrade to the evo though.....its a sick phone
kissing fredrows butt thats cute.
Hey viking360<3(A.K.A viking360fan) stfu and get off this forum.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Banned (again). Feel free to ban him anytime he shows up since he can't act like a grownup.


New Member
odingalt said:
Banned (again). Feel free to ban him anytime he shows up since he can't act like a grownup.
Does your forum administration board have an option for banning IP addresses? I know that when i ran an invisionfree forum board a few years ago, i had the option of banning ip addresses. However, this forum board may be different, so i was just curious.


Active Member
obo said:
odingalt said:
Banned (again). Feel free to ban him anytime he shows up since he can't act like a grownup.
Does your forum administration board have an option for banning IP addresses? I know that when i ran an invisionfree forum board a few years ago, i had the option of banning ip addresses. However, this forum board may be different, so i was just curious.
yes we never banned his IP before......now it is.