Who's Your favorite Rapper?


ModdingBros Co-Leader
Mine would have to be Eminem cause he's sick as hell and i gotta represent for the all the whiteboys. lol


ModdingBros Leader
eminem all the way or Immortal technique real rap. Dont listen to any crap rap like anything on the radio or lil wayne or anything


ModdingBros Co-Leader
Lil Wayne sucks (Studio Gangster) as i would say but there is some mainstream that is alright.


ModdingBros Co-Leader
I didn't mean it in that context i was just sayin i haven't seen it cause i probably wasn't alive wen he first started rapping


Active Member
true have you ever listened to immortal technique though jets

Yeah they are really good too.

I listen to every type of rap. From Tyler the Creator's "Yonkers" to Biggie Smalls.

Except Lil' Wayne... Out of 100 songs, I may like 10 of Lil' Wayne's music.


ModdingBros Leader
yup i really dont like most of lil waynes songs all of them talk about weed and girls and stuff stupid rap i think


Active Member
The RZA....... But I hate questions like this because no one has a clear cut #1 favorite of anything!!

Jetz nice call on Big L.... That dude would have been one of those MT. Rushmore figures in the hip-hop game if his life wasn't cut short.....