Window's on MAC functionality


New Member
So I've been an Apple guy since the get go...(Apple Iic) even though I thought they were doomed during the Scully era....anyway I completely understand why all your software is Windows. I have a MAC desktop at home + use a MacBook Pro to run my business...back up constantly using Carbonite + Time Machine.

After setting up my newly received Macro Controller last night using my wife's windows laptop...I decided to go to purchase the cheapest Windows laptop I could find just for macro updates and then....I slept on it and realized I should be able to run windows on my Mac(s). My tele-networking buddy recommends I used Parallels with XP rather than Windows 7 or Windows XP running with Boot Camp.

Any known issues you can advise me of before I do this?

Thanks in advance.



New Member
So continuing to dig...looks like Boot Camp + Windows is the way to go. Any confirmations OR warnings appreciated.



Active Member
We don't recommend using a mac. However, 100% (yes, a good number) of our customers have gotten Boot Camp + their mac to work. Only 1 customer to date has gotten it to work on parallels. I'd say over 5 customers have gotten the controller to connect to windows using Boot Camp, but then again you may be unlucky.

So we highly recommend you just use a windows computer. But if that isn't possible, 100% of our customers have found success using Boot Camp.


New Member
3.5 hours later Windows & Bootcamp installed and Viking software....tedious time consuming but flawless....downloading macros now and will confirm successfull updates to controller later.


ModdingBros Leader
i wish i could run bootcamp on my macbook but sadly i only got a macbook air with limited space to work with so i really cant run alot


New Member
Even more props to you odingalt & staff...what an awesome product. I got 5 'pages' loaded yesterday evening and then got online to 'test' each button w/ the various weapons (i've prestiged enough so I have all 10 slots for customization). So I'm spawning in matches of Domination and not even playing...just testing various combos and then....I'm being ambushed and whip out the Python and waste 3 enemies just like that. Disclosure: my lifetime pistol kills up to this point (since game released) was a whopping ZERO. And never realized how fast you can run carrying a pistol. So end that match with 15 Python kills and 8 FAL kills....3 of those with drop-aim-shoot (which I assigned to left bumper)...anyway total of 23 kills and 7 deaths...this is an amazing score for me and I wasn't even trying. Needless to say testing was minimal but Pwnge was maximum. After 3 hours of that I realized that the only way to test for me is a single player private match. Thankfully it is forecast to be a rainy long weekend here in NW Florida...LOL

I'm using the Snipper to screen capture each page on the controllers' setup and commit to post them when I get them working for me. Thank's to the Viking team and everyone who has contributed the awesome macros. Eventually I'll create them but first....rampant mayhem awaits.

Having been in corporate marketing and sales I get the challenge of communicating the RAW Fully Customizable and perpetually updateable / upgradable power of this product vs the lower price point and hype of the others....This is a great value!!!! Can't wait for MW3.