Woodland Bullets controller


No, anything not on that list. There are like 4 .50 BMG rifles on the barret wbsite, along with anything custum made... I saw a canadian gunsmith website that specialized in .50 BMG, he had like 5 or 6 models for sale. I assume they're all legal. It's just that particular model, but I don't know why because it doesn't say.


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
No, anything not on that list. There are like 4 .50 BMG rifles on the barret wbsite, along with anything custum made... I saw a canadian gunsmith website that specialized in .50 BMG, he had like 5 or 6 models for sale. I assume they're all legal. It's just that particular model, but I don't know why because it doesn't say.
well no matter what......F.UCK the gun control politicians!!!


Very little point in gun control. The criminals just buy them anyways. I think a license makes sense, but that's probably about it... Make sure people know how to be safe with a gun before they can buy one. Maybe things that are just for killing people, like armour piercing bullets, but a .50 BMG will go through a bullet proof vest anyways... Probably a 12 gauge slug would too.


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
Very little point in gun control. The criminals just buy them anyways. I think a license makes sense, but that's probably about it... Make sure people know how to be safe with a gun before they can buy one. Maybe things that are just for killing people, like armour piercing bullets, but a .50 BMG will go through a bullet proof vest anyways... Probably a 12 gauge slug would too.
a twelve gauge slug or 50 BMG cant go through dragon skin body armor.it would hurt like a b.itch though


Dragon skin? Are you serious or joking? I bet even if you blocked it a hit in the right spot has enough energy to kill you anyways...


lol looks insane... Aparently it's too expensive for anyone but the top military brass though? Unfortunatly doesn't do much for the head still... A large calibre bullet would definatly cause some problems from energy even if you stopped it though....