Would really appreciate if you would respond to this, Odin.


Hey Odin, very recently I read a leaked Microsoft document stating that the Xbox 720 is due to be released around Thanksgiving/Christmas next year (2013). I've come across some posts where you explained plans with future macro controllers, particularly the software. Since we're dealing with the very real possibility that our consoles and by extension our controllers will be replaced next year, I am hoping you will share some of your future plans with me, and by extension the Viking community. Viking has always put the most work into their controllers and for the Xbox 360 the company went beyond all others by creating the best modded controller for this console period. These are facts. What sets Viking apart is that no other company has even tried to mimic what you have done instead offering a generic alternative. Let's throw some names out there: Evil Controllers, Controller Chaos, Gaming Mods, Silent Modz. What do they all have in common? They all offer generic alternatives. Nothing really sets them apart because they are all offering the same thing.

Now, I got into a big rant about Viking superiority, and it really got me off track, but I really like what I have said so I am not going to edit any of it out. So, question here is what are you going to do that will set Viking apart for future consoles? Maybe there is some lingering uncertainty that it will even be possible to create macro controllers on the new console. Really, you're running on as much information as I am. Which is to say almost nothing. But, there is always a but. If you are going to create another line of controllers what would you improve upon? Hardware, software, whateverware. Any and all information will be extremely appreciated


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Now, I got into a big rant about Viking superiority, and it really got me off track, but I really like what I have said so I am not going to edit any of it out. So, question here is what are you going to do that will set Viking apart for future consoles? Maybe there is some lingering uncertainty that it will even be possible to create macro controllers on the new console. Really, you're running on as much information as I am. Which is to say almost nothing. But, there is always a but. If you are going to create another line of controllers what would you improve upon? Hardware, software, whateverware. Any and all information will be extremely appreciated

I know in the past I've always tried to be 100% open with answers, but in this case, I won't be able to really say anything. I let a few business contacts know about my future plans for Macro on "XBOX720", and lo and behold there is a company announcing release of a product for 360 that incorporates most of the ideas from that phone conversation. It's my own fault for opening my mouth on the phone with a guy in this industry who is known to have a BIG BIG mouth.

That's about all I can say. I can provide zero details on what we have in store for XBOX720 as this industry has gotten very competetive. It's bad enough that our competition steals everything of ours after we release it, but it's a little more devastating to have people take the good ideas in our future business plans and then roll (some of) them out in their own products. I can't afford to have the competition steal any more stuff -- they'll just have to wait for us to release it, and then copy it.

As far as what we're improving - hardware or software - we will be improving on both, naturally :).