Xbox 360 capicator


New Member
Ok well one of my xbox 360 capicators blew off while i was reflowing it, is that essential to the xbox? is there any way i could replace it, if i dont will it not work?


Active Member
thejld said:
Ok well one of my xbox 360 capicators blew off while i was reflowing it, is that essential to the xbox? is there any way i could replace it, if i dont will it not work?

Well let’s put it this way, is it essential for you to have your right leg? Would you be working properly if you didn’t have your right leg??

Yes, you need to replace that capacitor, and if you blew up that capacitor I would guess that you probably destroyed some of the SMD caps on the underside of the motherboard... (But that's just my guess)

For future reference, if you’re going to attempt to do another hack job re-flow process, I would advise you to protect the caps next time. This could be done by using tinfoil or some sort of silicon material....

Now about replacing the cap that you blew up, you need to find out the value of the cap and the voltage and temperature rating of the cap then order some from either or or
You could also just look on eBay too.......

Then you will reach your next problem on trying to replace to cap, I say problem because they are a b#%ch to de-solder......

GOODLUCK SON......Your gunna need it!!!!!!

Oh, by the way how did you attempt to do the relow process? I'm going to bet that you used a HEAT gun? Am I right??


New Member
k thx fredrow how do i find the value of hte camp and voltage and temperature of the cap, thx for the help, also could i just solder the capicator back to the mobo or no, do i hav to get another one. Is it possible that i madde the gpu and cpu chips bad? i used a heat gun low temp for 1 min on 750 and high on for 4 mins which was temp 1000. do u hav a msn or anything i can talk to u on?


Active Member
thejld said:
k thx fredrow how do i find the value of hte camp and voltage and temperature of the cap, thx for the help, also could i just solder the capicator back to the mobo or no, do i hav to get another one. Is it possible that i madde the gpu and cpu chips bad? i used a heat gun low temp for 1 min on 750 and high on for 4 mins which was temp 1000. do u hav a msn or anything i can talk to u on?

WOW...... Uhhhh..... OK, I don't want to sound like a dick but this is going

If you can't figure out what the value of a capacitor is then you really have no business even opening up your Xbox360 at all..... And that's the truth....

Sorry Son......


New Member
Fredrow is right you probably shouldnt try to fix/replace anything if you honestly dont know whats going on. dont take it personal.
and covering the caps is very important. i used a layer of tinfoil, thick plastic and electric tape.


New Member
Fredrow is NOT right...

You guys pride yourself on your sense of community here but this post is not at all to that end. The guy came here for help because he knows that we will help him out. He has a problem and yeah he caused it himself but we all make mistakes and it always helps to have friends that will bail you out. It's so much easier to just give a callous, "Hey stupid you shouldn't do that because you're not experienced enough to know!" The guy either has the gumption or doesn't have them money, that's not for us to pick at just help him.

Here's a link to get you started, man. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine. ... tm#colours


Active Member
aviator said:
Fredrow is NOT right...

You guys pride yourself on your sense of community here but this post is not at all to that end. The guy came here for help because he knows that we will help him out. He has a problem and yeah he caused it himself but we all make mistakes and it always helps to have friends that will bail you out. It's so much easier to just give a callous, "Hey stupid you shouldn't do that because you're not experienced enough to know!" The guy either has the gumption or doesn't have them money, that's not for us to pick at just help him.

Here's a link to get you started, man. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine. ... tm#colours

So your saying I didn't help him at all??

I pointed this kid in the right direction, but maybe he should have spent just as much time as I have doing Google searches and other types of research to figure stuff out on fixing a broken Xbox....... Did you even read this whole thread??????


New Member
Yes, I read the whole post. No, I didn't say you didn't help him at all. I merely took exception to the fact that the kid asked a question that anyone in that position (in-experienced in electronics faced with a daunting task) would likely have. I do agree that he could have probably spent a bit more time looking into it himself. But then again, he knows that there are probably at least a couple people here that already know that information and why not ask friends? If I have a question and you have an answer, it makes sense that you would share that answer so I may in turn help someone with the same question later. That simple principle is what makes this community somewhat unique, we aren't se7ensins where you ask a fairly complicated question and everyone and their brother jumps on you with, "go frakkin google it n00b you prolly cant know that!!!111 cuz we b 2 133t 4 dat n00b stufz lolz"


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I got to agree with Aviator on this one. I got my beginnings in electronics by posting in forums like this. Well, of course I didn't always get an answer. In fact I rarely got answers lol. But every once in awhile I would run into an old guru who had the patience to post what he knew, which saved my hours on hours of searching through forums.

Here I am and now I ownz a mod shop. Of course college helped but I never would have even gone to college for electronics had it not been for the internet and forums and DIY websites turning me on to the whole thing.