Yes, when you purchase the DIY chip and install it, it has all of the same features as the retail remote with the chip pre-installed. You will have access to all the same updates as the retail customers. The only difference is you get no support from our shop if you run into problems, you got to fix your own install
There are 3 dropshot mods one drops when you shoot, one drops when hip firing but when aiming you stay up, then I forgot the other one. The installation instructions can be found here: INSTRUCTIONS HIGHEST QUALITY.pdf
The Ragnarok modchip will only work on the Matrix2.
There are 3 dropshot mods one drops when you shoot, one drops when hip firing but when aiming you stay up, then I forgot the other one. The installation instructions can be found here: RAGNAROK USB INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS HIGHEST QUALITY.pdf
I received my chip the other day. I'm not sure when I'll will have a chance to install. I'm sure I will also need some help...they should be here tommorow im gettin impatient lol, may need more help and advice once the time comes to actually install them.
There's actually only 2 modes and they are the ones you just said: Mode 1 is you dropshot both when firing from the hip or when you ADS (aim down sights), Mode 2 is only when you fire from the hip.