
Sargent MaRs

New Member
I know you guys are making huge paragraphs about the specs. But I'm just gonna throw in that I read somewhere that the cloud will be able to do part of the computing of physics and what not for online matches. If this is true, I believe that the Xbox will be MUCH more powerful than what people are thinking/reading online.

(I'm at school right now and will try my hardest to source this when I get home).


New Member
i think the xbox one controller continues to innovate and excite.. i saw this video (don't know website look up on bing) that explained in depth, the xbox one controller from the buttons, the triggers, the mic jack and more. if microsoft didn't want to dedicate gamers to their console no more they wouldn't of cared to innovate there amazing controller even more. they took feedback from users from 360 and made it better, no more battery pack in the way! very smart!, In all im very excited for Xbox One, and free isn't always better, (ps4...)


ModdingBros Representative
I was watching that Gamer TV were they show the inside of the controller and from the looks of it the main CPU chip that controls all funtions is located right by the bottom left rumbler. I can make out the connections as well to the anolog sticks but the directional pad seems to lie under the backside board. There are two boards in the controller. I can't tell if the battery is squeezed in behind the backside board or if it rest above the backside board? Wonder what the battery life will be like. Possibley maybe incorperate a stronger aftermarket battery in the controllers to compensate for battery drainage? Things to think about. They also incorperated rumblers into the triggers as well. They also metioned that the reponse time of button presses has been increased 15% faster than the old 360 controllers. Less controller lagg time. Nice.
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Well-Known Member
Brian I'm glad that your back in the light of the tunnel. Let you vent for a while and smell the coffee! It's all good! I was looking at the way they put magnetic triggers in paint ball guns on you tube! Pretty cool if they do this type of thing on the new controllers making them a lot faster! Only if they had put my A and B buttons underneath the controller would have been nice!


Well-Known Member
XboxOne is after everyone this time around! Quote from! With subscription TV over IP coming from Intel later this year, there’s always a chance that Microsoft could partner with Intel or other over IP pay-TV service to bring a full live TV experience to the Xbox One. Why fight with cable cards when a software update could deliver the same content?


ModdingBros Representative
Check out some things people are saying about the xbox cloud!,22775.html

In another site i pulled this clip out; Xbox One will sit in your living room and burn through not the paltry 1.2 teraflops of computing power as was rumoured, but almost five teraflops - as much as the flagship £800 NVIDIA Titan graphics card. And then it will get faster and faster over time.

Matt Booty, general manager of Redmond Game Studios and Platforms, recently told Ars Technica, "a rule of thumb we like to use is that [for] every Xbox One available in your living room we'll have three of those devices in the cloud available," suggesting some 5TF of processing power for your games, a sentiment echoing Australian Microsoft spokesperon Adam Pollington's assertion that Xbox One was 40 times more powerful than the Xbox 360.With such phenomenal amounts of power available, Xbox One is potentially some two-and-a-half times more powerful than PS4 and able to go toe to toe with expensive top-end gaming PCs.

Depending on how cloud technology pans out for microsoft we may be looking at a next gen console with almost limitless potentual due to cloud technology always growing! This is exciting stuff people. However if cloud technology proves itself its almost certain PS4 will follow suite with their cloud technology.
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Well-Known Member
The creator of world of warplanes and world of tanks (Wargaming) is coming out with there new console at E3! They said there warplanes, war tanks and warship games will be showed at E3!


New Member
Check out some things people are saying about the xbox cloud!,22775.html

In another site i pulled this clip out; Xbox One will sit in your living room and burn through not the paltry 1.2 teraflops of computing power as was rumoured, but almost five teraflops - as much as the flagship £800 NVIDIA Titan graphics card. And then it will get faster and faster over time.

Matt Booty, general manager of Redmond Game Studios and Platforms, recently told Ars Technica, "a rule of thumb we like to use is that [for] every Xbox One available in your living room we'll have three of those devices in the cloud available," suggesting some 5TF of processing power for your games, a sentiment echoing Australian Microsoft spokesperon Adam Pollington's assertion that Xbox One was 40 times more powerful than the Xbox 360.With such phenomenal amounts of power available, Xbox One is potentially some two-and-a-half times more powerful than PS4 and able to go toe to toe with expensive top-end gaming PCs.

Depending on how cloud technology pans out for microsoft we may be looking at a next gen console with almost limitless potentual due to cloud technology always growing! This is exciting stuff people. However if cloud technology proves itself its almost certain PS4 will follow suite with their cloud technology.

Well, if anything I think the Cloud on Xbox will come out on top because their a software/hardware company so they seem like they know what their doing, probably can utilize the cloud more so than ps4.. plus this also means, that people on playstation can't really go and say and its more powerful than the One. a lot of people love the xbox controller too soo.. I really think the One will still dominate in U.S sales

modded matt

Active Member
After both press releases on both the Xbox one and PS4,there is a lot of misinformation out there, and a lot of hidden details thatwere not clarified. If you’re a fan of either, I am sure nobody’s opinion hasbeen changed. There are outlying issues with each system, primarily centered onhow used games will be handled. For thepeople like myself who buy games and are always connected, this is a mootpoint, but for the younger generation who cannot afford to purchase the gamesthey want, Microsoft’s current game policy can cause a problem. (keep in mindthis policy can be revised as easily as I am writing this report.)
Trading/sharing/selling games: both parties have stated the exact same thing: “We (Sony and Microsoft) will not chargeyou for buying or trading used games”. On Sony’s side of the argument they only made the above statement. Microsoft went a bit further clarifying that"participating retailers" will let users trade Xbox One disc gamesfor cash or credit. Microsoft is givingcontrol of how Xbox One disc games can be handled by third party publishers.Those companies may decide that they don't want those games to be traded in toretailers or given to friends, or if they do allow that they may put in furtherrestrictions and fees. While Sony has not made any type of clarification, it isassumed that they will allow their publishers the same control as recently seenwith EA Games. Its simple economics thatthe used game market helps the sale of both consoles and games, Microsoft isnot going to miss out, or allow their publishers to miss out on thismarket. So I would not bank on the factthat rented games will not be available for the xbox one as many havespeculated.
Always on/online connectivity: there has been muchspeculation about this and seems to be a killer for a lot of people. Phil Harrison (MS corporate VP) in a recentinterview has stated: Question: I’ve heard that if your Xbox One does notconnect with Xbox Live at least once a day, the machine becomes inoperable andyou’re not able to play any of the games that you’ve paid for. Is that true? Harrison:I don’t think that’s what was said. Let me try and clarify what is happening.So, there is a lot of anxiety about “what if my Internet connection goes down”and you don’t have connectivity for a period of time. There are a host offeatures which will be usable without an Internet connection — watching movies,playing single player games… all of which will operate offline. We expect mostof the more advanced experiences, like online multiplayer games, or games whichhave a lot of connected features… those games won’t operate if you don’t havean Internet connection. We designed the system to take advantage of aconnection to the cloud, and all that that means. But no, it’s not requiredthat you are connected all the time, every second of every day.
PSN users have always stood on the argument that it’s freeto play online with PlayStation. That day appears to be over. Sony hashistorically been very sneaky in what information they release on any of their products,but during the press release they stated “PlayStation plus will give access toimmersive multiplayer, while standard non paid accounts will continue to enjoythe single player and media content for free” This statement effectively endsthe pay to play argument. Moving forward into the next generation, you willhave no choice but to pay a fee if you wish to play online multiplayer games.
Content, content, content this press release was filled withgame content on both sides. There havebeen some great reveals and showcasing of new upcoming games. Many of whichwere cross platform games that will be available on both systems. If you werepaying attention to both conferences, on these platform games, PS4 is givingaway an action figure, poster, or other gimmick if you buy the game on theirsystem. Microsoft on the other hand is not offering such giveaways, they arecontinuing with what xbox fans have always loved which is first access to allDLC, custom exclusive in game items such as weapons and maps. History has proven this to be a long wait forPS3 owners sometimes weeks or months. Microsoft announced that they will have 15 titles at release that arexbox exclusive games, Sony has stated they have 20 slated to span release overthe first year. Not to mention the above mentioned blockbusters, which will bereleased on both systems. Looking at the upcoming games that have been shown,Sony is staying true to the younger generation with their much loved animebased games such as kingdom of hearts, while Microsoft has taken aim at themore mature gamers with titles such as titanfal. On the app side, Microsoft didnot showcase anything new, while Sony seemed to be very proud of the new appsthey will be providing such as Flixster and Redbox instant, all of which havebeen available on xbox live for months.
Cloud based gaming: This is where there is a big differencein the two systems. Sony is barely touching on cloud base technology statingthat all your trophies and game saves will be accessible through thecloud. Microsoft has gone further withthis technology. MS has stated that all of your games (notice I said games, notgame saves) will be cloud accessible anywhere in the world. All you have to dois log in. no more transporting a disk or memory card, just sign in. To go even further any live account holder inyour household may access your game collection meaning I can be at Robinshouse, log in and play gears, when I am done, Tracey can play the game withoutme flying half across the world to give her the game. This has enormouspotential that nobody is picking up on.
Pricing structure, at first glance the pricing structure forthe PS4 seems to have an advantage and will appeal to most parents and gamers.But keep in mind while the ps4 is 100$ cheaper, it is missing the new eye toy,where this is included with the xbox purchase.
So in closing, there is still a lot of disinformation outthere that needs to be clarified, but at first glance the PS4 has pulled aheadwith their lower price, and the statement that there will be no PS4 imposedgame restrictions. (keep in mind both of those are not truly forthcoming)Microsoft is more honest and forthcoming about their product but seem to havebeen suffering for it. If you add the eyetoy to the xbox purchase to have equal products, it will be the same cost andpublishers may still impose the same restrictions on PS4 that Microsoft isannouncing. So while PS4 fans may thinkthis is a win, the jury is still out, don’t forget how you got screwed on thewhole backwards compatibility issue with ps3 was released. Playstation has ahistory of sneaky moves that promote sales and allow the gamers to suffer. Don’t jump ship yet, there will be moreclarification to come.
Matt , did you catch the part about the feedback system - they hinted towards the game keeping track of exploited game mechanics / cheating and storing it - not even a player reporting you... I wonder if and how that will affect us


Well-Known Member
All I know is I ordered two the first day it was available! Friends of mine tried to order the next day and only could order one! One was looking into ordering from best buy and they said that they would be delivered by Christmas. Looks like its happening. again like when they came out with the 360! Where if didn't order right now you won't see one til after the first of the year!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nice post Matt. I think people are discounting XBO too early (just because we love to hate ;-) ).

Right now the polling booths are about 4 to 1 in favor of the PS4 (meaning 80% of pollers say they would buy a PS4 over an XBOX One). By the time the holidays roll around, that poll will probably end up running where about 60% of people *say* they are going to buy PS4, but my gut says that the actual sales of PS4 to XBOX One consoles will be slightly in Microsoft's favor. I think people will *say* that they want to buy a PS4 in the polls on-line, only to change their minds when they actually go to the store to purchase the console.

The PS4 is $100 cheaper. So what? The industry tries to make way too many parallels to the PS3's high initial opening sticker price. The fact of the matter is, for whatever reason, people have "warmed up" to the idea of paying $400 or even $500 for a console. Way back in 2006 it was unheard of to pay $500 for a gaming console. Historical launch prices of consoles (no adjustment for inflation):

N64 - $199
Dreamcast - $199
Wii - $249
XBOX (original) - $299
PS (original) - $299
PS2 - $299
XBOX 360 - $299/$399
PS3 - $499/$599 OMG what??!

As you can see the PS3 was the highest price of a console with the exception of two consoles from the old era - sega saturn (total flop in the US) and hardly known systems 3D0 and Neo Geo (these systems are older than most of the people reading this post). Sony's initial price for the PS3 couldn't have been more ill-timed. Even though, in my opinion, the PS3 console was superior to the XBOX 360 console, $599 just simply scared the **** out of the market and that price was the single largest factor that secured XBOX360's domination in N. America in the 2000's.

Now here we are, PS4 is priced at $399 PLUS a $60 per year subscription for on-line play, XBOX360 is priced at $499 PLUS what I am assuming is subscription fee for on-line play. Microsoft is smart in that 1.) they are NOT offering any "Deluxe" packages at this time so as not to give us even worse sticker shock and 2.) this time around the console comes packed with kinect and a hell of a lot more tech for the dollar. Make no mistake, the $399/$499 console of today kicks the **** out of the $399/$499 console from a couple years ago.

As the year goes on this $100 price difference, at the checkout stand, is not going to make that big of a difference. People rack up credit card debt around the holidays and so what is another $100 for little Johnny's Christmas present?

Moving on to XBOX One's draconian digital rights management (DRM) system, connection requirement, etc. Microsoft is creating subtle ways that developers can make a little more money for their efforts. In turn I'm sure Microsoft is hoping there will be more exclusive content for the XBOX One system, in turn making it a better system and gaining more subscribers. Also, for the N. American market, XBOX 360 has had more popular games than PS3. I'm not saying PS3 games are bad, I'm just saying that out of 100 N. American gamers, 2/3 of those gamers prefer to play on XBOX 360 partly due to the exclusive content. Microsoft is banking that this will hold true once again for XBOX One. In fact they are betting the whole **** farm on the idea that exclusive content is going to make the difference. The only way to get developers to do exclusive for XBOX One is to dangle a carrot which in this case is very restrictive DRM which gives the developers additional possible revenue streams for their efforts.

At the end of the day this is more than likely going to come down to fanboy vs. fanboy. If you owned an XBOX360 console you'll probably own the XBOX One. If you owned a PS3 console you'll probably own a PS4. For crying out loud, XBOX 360 outsold PS3 even though XBOX 360 didn't even have a blu-ray drive! Heck, for all we know the whole reason XBOX One is $499 and PS4 is $399 is that Sony (who owns Blu-ray rights mind you) is "sticking it" to Microsoft by charging them a high price for the luxury of installing blu-ray players in the XBOX One consoles. Other than possibly the improved HD kinect (and the R&D money Microsoft wasted designing it) I don't see what could make the XBOX One cost another $100 more. Maybe it will accept 'cable cards' and turn your XBOX into a bonafide cable TV receiver? Anyway, the pricing isn't about the hardware, that cost is a "subsidized" cost as they say, none of you will ever know the true cost of these boxes especially when produced by the million.

And another thing. Anyone who actually believe that the XBO is not thinking about gamers should unsubscribe to whatever tech blogs they are reading. XBO does gaming any way you cut it. In conclusion, people are going to get over the price tag, and the strict Microsoft DRM, and Microsoft could still easily end up having the more popular console. Only time will tell and Microsoft's marketing team definitely has their hands full packaging the information in such a way to make the XBOX One only look subtly different when compared to the PS4. (And of course only subtly in a good way :) )

FYI this may sound like a Pro-Microsoft rant; it is not, I've always rooted against Microsoft. I'm just writing a little prophecy here so that in 6 months when XBO and PS4 are neck-and-neck I can look back at my forums post and say "I told you so". Or even, take what I said, add what Matt said, and you've got a strong case that suggests Microsoft is actually go to win this next gen console war come Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Fact update, I found a google on inflation-adjusted console launch prices. PS3 was indeed the most expensive launch price in over a decade when it came out in 2006. It was SIGNIFICANTLY higher than XBOX 360 initial price. Plus the "deluxe" version at $599 carried a serious sticker shock.

The $100 price difference is simply not going to be that big of an issue (despite droves of people who will continue to claim that it IS an issue, these people will keep on claiming this for the next year, up until the point they drive down to the store and buy an XBOX lol)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
And another thing, can I just say that "XBOX One" is the stupidest name and is making it impossible to google for XBOX without getting search results for all three consoles mixed together. Really the original is XBOX, the next was XBOX 360 and the next one is XBOX One. Or XBOX 1.


Really? Wasn't XBOX really the XBOX 1? Or is it the XBOX One? Is anyone else CONFUSED?!?!?!


And another thing, can I just say that "XBOX One" is the stupidest name and is making it impossible to google for XBOX without getting search results for all three consoles mixed together. Really the original is XBOX, the next was XBOX 360 and the next one is XBOX One. Or XBOX 1.


Really? Wasn't XBOX really the XBOX 1? Or is it the XBOX One? Is anyone else CONFUSED?!?!?!

hahhhaah very true


Im hoping we will have the Xbox One Macro out within a year of release :) haha maybe thats too much but then again, maybe not. Id rather wait for the X1 to be out that long anyways so they can work out all the kinks and such