Just jumping in on the Macro controller. Ordered yesterday after a very positive and prompt email reply from Viking's support staff on initial questions I had. As I said in my response email, this kind of rapid reply and accurate details bodes well for a company responding to a first contact situation.
Looking forward to pushing the start button for the first time.
Thought I would introduce myself as well. I am an over 50 old fart gamer who's been gaming since TRS-80s were new Been programming since then and continue today writing eCommerce applications and backend content management systems for web sites over the past 12+ years. Looking forward to checking out the software and macro controller. Looks pretty easy to build up complex macros and am really digging the timeline process. Reminds me of Adobe Premiere style video editing. I think the programmer in me will do well here.
Games I enjoy..
All the TES (The Elder Scrolls) series since Daggerfall (Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim of late)
Assassin's Creed (all but the last, AC3)
Bioshock Series
Fallout Series
L.A. Noir
Fable (2 and 3, 1 sucked)
Fear 2
Civilization Revolut'n
Some of the Final Fantasy series
Bad Company
I also enjoy some of the non-mainstream games like..
Keflings series (A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings)
From Dust
Games I disliked...
COD/MW. Most of them.
Gears of War 2.
Halo, all but the first on the original Xbox
Left4Dead (control organization sucked)
On the PC I got into (a few of the hundreds I have played)...
Ultima series (old floppy games)
Diablo 1 and 2 (disliked 3)
Warcraft 1,2 and 3
All the Command and Conquer and Red Alert series (old school games here from Westwood, RIP)
Wolfenstein (the original, not the crap remake)
Doom series (yes, I played them from floppy)
Quake series
Tribes and Tribes II
Flight sims (Apache, Hind, A10, F15 Eagle, etc)
Sub Commander
Earth and Beyond (was in alpha and beta and played through sunset)
Eve (was in beta)
Guild Wars (was in beta)
World of Warcraft (started with BC)
I don't do much MMO any more, got tired of the money bleed and grinding. GW once in a while still but not often.
As you can see, I tend to like games with a plot and good story line. Love open world, hate myopically designed narrowly confined games. Like innovative and different, getting tired of zombie everything fad.
Hopefully Viking will get my Macro out the door soon so I can get some play time on it.
Looking forward to pushing the start button for the first time.
Thought I would introduce myself as well. I am an over 50 old fart gamer who's been gaming since TRS-80s were new Been programming since then and continue today writing eCommerce applications and backend content management systems for web sites over the past 12+ years. Looking forward to checking out the software and macro controller. Looks pretty easy to build up complex macros and am really digging the timeline process. Reminds me of Adobe Premiere style video editing. I think the programmer in me will do well here.
Games I enjoy..
All the TES (The Elder Scrolls) series since Daggerfall (Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim of late)
Assassin's Creed (all but the last, AC3)
Bioshock Series
Fallout Series
L.A. Noir
Fable (2 and 3, 1 sucked)
Fear 2
Civilization Revolut'n
Some of the Final Fantasy series
Bad Company
I also enjoy some of the non-mainstream games like..
Keflings series (A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings)
From Dust
Games I disliked...
COD/MW. Most of them.
Gears of War 2.
Halo, all but the first on the original Xbox
Left4Dead (control organization sucked)
On the PC I got into (a few of the hundreds I have played)...
Ultima series (old floppy games)
Diablo 1 and 2 (disliked 3)
Warcraft 1,2 and 3
All the Command and Conquer and Red Alert series (old school games here from Westwood, RIP)
Wolfenstein (the original, not the crap remake)
Doom series (yes, I played them from floppy)
Quake series
Tribes and Tribes II
Flight sims (Apache, Hind, A10, F15 Eagle, etc)
Sub Commander
Earth and Beyond (was in alpha and beta and played through sunset)
Eve (was in beta)
Guild Wars (was in beta)
World of Warcraft (started with BC)
I don't do much MMO any more, got tired of the money bleed and grinding. GW once in a while still but not often.
As you can see, I tend to like games with a plot and good story line. Love open world, hate myopically designed narrowly confined games. Like innovative and different, getting tired of zombie everything fad.
Hopefully Viking will get my Macro out the door soon so I can get some play time on it.