You have the best customer service..


New Member
I had a few issues with my controller, I sent it back and it was fixed the same day and they paid for 2 day shipping Back! Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sorry you had to send it back in the first place ! Is everything working properly now?


New Member

I'm not sure if this is your first modded controller or not but in case it is just wanted to let you know that if the controller has issues with functions it may be because of the battery life. I remember when I had my first mod I thought it was the controller but it in fact is the battery. If it has two bars of life left it may skip in rapid fire or malfunction. I had to deal with this in the past with Evilcontrollers with my first mod. Except it was terrible because they have the worst customer service in the world, I didn't see my controller for another 2-3 weeks without any updates.


New Member
311sam, I totally agree with you. My first few modded controllers were from Evil. I didn't hardly like their setup at all. I had the MasterMod, Rapidfire Standard, and the Auto Burst. I'm not saying that they didn't function well, the jitter was alright, rapid fires were set to high, they enjoyed to skip on me several times. Not being USB programmable limited my like-ability of those controllers by a lot. In all reality, I believed the MasterMod was a waste of $300. That's my opinion. But, battery life does indeed have a lot to do with your controllers efficiency, indefinitely the LEDs.