You Tube


New Member
Hi everybody, Im having a problem uploading videos to youtube but only when I use editing software like when I put a title before the video or if I add a song, it says (video uploaded we are processing the video) and I waited over 24 hours for it before and it still did not process I tried multipale times, I keep the video under 10 min. If I just upload the video without doing anything to it like adding my voice or anything it goes right through? Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. (Im using windows live movie maker) Thank's again

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
that is weird i use windows live movie maker and i made a sniper montage i added beginning credits and end credits with a song, and that was finished processing in like 3 minutes.


New Member
When I go to upload it the blue time indicater bar goes from %0 to %100 in 2 secounds but the preview pictures never come up it just says processing video. But when I do it without editing the blue time indicater bar takes like 6 to 7 min to upload then the preview pics come up below. I have no idea what Im doing wrong, I'll try saving it some other way then thanks for the suggestions guy's I appreciate the help. The video's can only be 10 min right? or 15?