Your MW2 Sensitivity

I was wondering what sensitivity the people in this forum are using/prefer and why! Is there any advantages to play at a higher sensitivity? If so what are they? I was personally using medium which I think is 2 and just recently moved up to 3 and didn't notice to much of a difference however I did notice that I'm able to run pass a claymore before setting it off (without the help of lightweight/marathon) to where as before I would have normally died so I think there are some advantages to it, what do you guys think?


New Member
10 sensitivity if ur going to quicks cope, maybe 2 or 3 ifur going to killian scope, 10 definently if ur gna quickscope so u gna turn on ppl,


New Member
If you've been playing call of duty as long as me, use 10 lol. I used to play on 8 but now all I use is the riot shield so 10 all the way!!!


New Member
I used 7 for the longest time.
But ever since i became tired of annoying people in pub matches and play alot more private i thought i'd fool around more.
i try to have as much fun as i can when i play now so i put it up to 10 about a week ago and i like it lol.


Wow, that would be incredibly fast thought... I was messing around on 10 once and I could barely control it sometimes...


warning, if u suffer from epilepsy or get dizzy alot, do not put it on 19, it makes u sick after about a minute