Zombie mode.


ModdingBros Representative
This is not posted in the forums so anyone wanting to know how to activate this all u need to do is hold tac then press L2. 1 flash is for automatics 2 flashes are for semi auto. U can not adjust the RF speeds but the speed thats set is a good universal speed that works well on all semi autos. It was specifically designed for the MK14 in black ops zombie but works good in MW3 as well. This statement is incorrect. u can adjust any speed in zombie mode 2 by accessing your 10 rf slots on RT. I apologize for any inconvenience
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Are you sure it doesn't call on the rapidfire mode that you are currently on for the zombie rapidfire speed? I.e. if you turn on zombie mode, and scroll to rapidfire mode 2, that's the speed it uses when you use zombie mode with rapidfire enabled (zombie mode 2?)


ModdingBros Representative
Yes u are right. I dident know that u could access the right trigger rf when your in mode 2 of zombie mode. Thanks odin for clearing that up. Its cool to see just how compatible these controllers really are. I only thought there was one speed but i just tested it in mode 2 then picked what speed i wanted off the right trigger and it worked! So id like to appologize for the miss interpitation in my eairlier statment.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for testing, after having a controller line-up that consists of six different models sometimes I start to question my own memory on how these work :)