analog sticks fixed?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
GJUnLeAsHeD said:
Just to make clear the analog sticks don't work ?? Like when u put them on a macro they corrupt or Sumthin ?? Thanx

Sticks should be working fine on the latest version posted in this thread. Has been fixed since a couple versions ago.


I think the possibilities of having the extra buttons wasn't as important in the dev and admin's mind as it was that they were buttons on the controller just like tac switches or analog sticks, etc. so eventually they would've had to address that issue and incorporating into the AI and into the firmware that the buttons actually "existed" and therefore of course allowing who knows what kind of xbox live types of macro's for navigation. What I'm getting at or at least making a guess at was that they were buttons that weren't being acknowledged or able to prior to this new big update and this was the time if any to get that part of the software and firmware sorted as to avoid future issues and draining money on programmers so it made sense financially I'm sure to just bang that out now with the rest of all the major upgrades the software and firmware are getting. Odin if thats incorrect I don't mean to be putting words in your mouth or making it seem as those I'm a spokesman. Just my business mind/gamer logic. Or maybe lack thereof one of those lol