HEX Editor / Boot loader.


I doubt it. Hit printscreen, past into paint, save as jpeg, and upload. Oppossed to take picture with cell phone, transfer, and then upload. Maybe about the same if you had your phone and cable at the ready.


New Member
i just sent a picture message to my email save the image and attached it. easier than paint anyday of the week anywasys no use arguing over it as it did not really help.


New Member
Ok, i removed and re downloaded EVERYTHING, now the error has changed from your average microsot one to "Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application." any ideas?


Active Member
odingalt said:
Please tell me you aren't on an ancient PC that's running Windows 98??
LOL.....thats what it sounds like.......my house has an old pc that we dont use but it still works and its on windows 95!.....50mb hard drive!


New Member
Well ive tried everything and gotten a whole bunch of errors: unable to find runtime, file is corrupt. ya know the usuall.. so i guess im just royally fudged.


Active Member
40_ounce said:
Trydownloading the hex editor again. Sounds like you got a corrupt download.
i team viewed him its a .NET timeout error. can somone tell me the .NET framework to use on an XP system. he was using .NET framework 4


New Member
well actually i had tried all of them. but it works now. idk what happened. it wasnt working then i downloaded google chrome and it works.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Google Chrome for the win! I blame 95% of problems on Microsoft. In this case I'm sure Internet Explorer had some crappy buggy Malware plug-in installed by Microsoft that was fudging up everything else on your system.

Go Linux! lol


Useful Poster
I would suggest google chrome anyway. it seems to be faster than most other programs, and I know on firefox i cant upload photos for some reason.


New Member
for suresies. internet exploder blows. any1 reading this with internet explorer download google earth 5 with chrome. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAy better with a lower case y.