Ignoring My Pm's

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ModdingBros Leader
what is it you need to talk to odin about because the people on the forums may be able to help you


New Member
About purchasing a Macro Controller with different shipping. I know he is busy but he seems to have enough time to make posts on the forum yet he cant reply to a PM?


ModdingBros Leader
what kind of shipping do you want and he doesnt make a lot of post last time he made on the forums was maybe a week ago give him time however dont know if he will change the shipping for you or not


New Member
Actually within the past week Oding has made close to 30 posts. I was speaking with him about shipping and the messages were back and forth and then all of a sudden he just stopped replying to me. A week passed and he has been making quite a lot of posts on the forum but ignoring my PM's.


ModdingBros Leader
dont know dude sorry hope you hear back from him however if he hasnt responded yet i wouldnt count on it he is very busy just give him a few more days


Well-Known Member
Staff member
lol I have 15 unanswered PM's right now. Don't take it personally! Viking360 is not my day job. It is my secondary home business. I have several full time employees and to keep them employed I need products on the shelf, like this one that I have been working on the past week:


When I am busy and I only have enough time to do one or two things, I always answer public forums first. PM's are way down at the very very bottom of a long list of priorities that I have.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Now that you have our attention, what is it that is so important that you need me to help you with?


ModdingBros Leader
dont want to be a douche terrian but he asks what you need and you totally avoid the question if you need his help and he gives the time out of his busy schedule dont beat around the bush just ask him


New Member
No I was reading what he put and then my Firefox decided to crash. I reloaded and the post had been edited. He knows what I want help with. As a business owner you should be doing everything it takes to satisfy your customers.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
No I was reading what he put and then my Firefox decided to crash. I reloaded and the post had been edited. He knows what I want help with. As a business owner you should be doing everything it takes to satisfy your customers.
It's hard to satisfy someone who wont comply.


New Member
Comply? Comply with what? He told me he would get me a coupon and then a week later he completely changes his tune and says no. What do you expect me to think?

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
Comply? Comply with what? He told me he would get me a coupon and then a week later he completely changes his tune and says no. What do you expect me to think?
Listen here douche biggalow don't get snappy with me. He probably never offered you a coupon because then everyone else would complain and beg for one and the second reason is that they are running out and don't have room for discounts.


New Member
I wasn't being snappy, I was asking a question. Doesn't matter if they are running out or not a customer is a customer.
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