Macro controller Rapid fire on timeline editor!


New Member
so why cant we simply do this.. go into the Timeline Editor select Gears/settings and change the speed multiplier to the sps we want like for now. 10.00 sps then see it on the timeline. because i have no idea on how to make rapidfire speeds.. on the timeline editor...
someone please help... im surprised i cant simply make something as easy as rapidfire.. and i've read the ? on the left hand side.. still im confused.. :?: :?: :?:


New Member
welll. if your on Xbox Live tomorrow show me how to make rapidfire speeds... i dont know.. i dont know how to.. OD, in the new vid up that you will post please show us how to create and edit rapidfire speeds..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Open the .VKM that is rapidfire at 10SPS. Notice the timeline multiplier is at 1.00x.

If you want 15 SPS, change the timeline multiplier to 1.50x.

If you want 11.4 SPS, change the timeline multiplier to 1.14x.

Hope this makes sense.


New Member
SO. what about Akimbo mode? i know you already have one up on the library but can you make a actual Akimbo mode (like in the Legacy Controllers). where the left trigger & right trigger shoots when you hold down only the right trigger so then the left trigger can be for aiming down sight for the FAL?


New Member
SO. what about Akimbo mode? i know you already have one up on the library but can you make a actual Akimbo mode (like in the Legacy Controllers). where the left trigger & right trigger shoots when you hold down only the right trigger so then the left trigger can be for aiming down sight for the FAL?

Download akimbo spray here. - Akimbo Spray - Right Trigger (10SPS).vkm
And there are more macros here
I think this is what your looking for not sure what you mean about the FAL rifle in conjuction with akimbo mode.


New Member
fathersin said:
SO. what about Akimbo mode? i know you already have one up on the library but can you make a actual Akimbo mode (like in the Legacy Controllers). where the left trigger & right trigger shoots when you hold down only the right trigger so then the left trigger can be for aiming down sight for the FAL?

Download akimbo spray here. - Akimbo Spray - Right Trigger (10SPS).vkm
And there are more macros here
I think this is what your looking for not sure what you mean about the FAL rifle in conjuction with akimbo mode.

i mean like.. okay for example right now if you go to the Macro Library and download the akimbo spray then switch to your akimbo pistols it'll shoot fine akimbo hold downright trigger to shoot both but then this makes the FAL go in and out when you try to aim-down sight and shoot while you have the akimbo spray on.. which i was hoping it would be like on the odins raven where if you have akimbo mode on. then hold down left trigger only one bullet will shoot out or if your holding down right trigger to shoot your akimboz then if you hold down the left trigger only one bullet will come out but while holding it down it'll also stop the shooting of the left akimbo gun.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Akimbo on the legacy did the same thing with FAL zoom in/zoom out with Akimbo and rapidfire turned on at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The guy is still having a hard time keeping the rifle scoped in on the Odin's Raven part of the demo.

Do this. Open the akimbo macro. Are you using akimbo for the tac switch or akimbo for the trigger?

In any case, what you need to do is on the left trigger timeline track, is increase the 'width' of the trigger press on the left trigger track. I.e. the part between the two dots that have the slider all the way to the left or fat end. Increase the distance between these two dots. This will result in, on average, the trigger being pulled more, which should also yield less de-scoping when you fire only the FAL (but with Akimbo still turned on)

Example .VKM is attached (this is the version of Akimbo that you assign to your right trigger)


New Member
that was on trigger and is there anyway to completely get it to stop zooming in and out while having akimbo mode on but using the FAL?


New Member
odingalt said:
The guy is still having a hard time keeping the rifle scoped in on the Odin's Raven part of the demo.
no hes not when you see the Raven, and its going in and out its because he isnt holding down the left trigger.. and on the raven when you then hold down left trigger it disables the rapidfire on the left trigger for the akimbo mode so you can aimdown sight. thats what i want on the macro controller :oops: :cry:


New Member
OD, what you can do possibly is create something where theres a Pause feature. and you can assign it to any button then activate it by toggle'ing it on/off. on a Tac Switch.. can this be done...?


New Member
well for example today i was messing around and you know how on the time line editor .. you can make dots .. and 2 dots don't do anything.. well what i did is went to my left trigger edited it in the time-line editor then i did two dots. and that makes it do nothing so then i assigned it to my left tac switch 1. and my rapid fire/akimbo to my right tac switch 1. then i re-programed it. so when i tested it out.. i found out that even tho i put the left trigger as 2 dots to the left trigger and a on/off toggle.. it was still on when i was shooting my akimbo with just my akimbo rapid fire on because the left trigger wasn't shooting now.. so that was my idea.. but I'm not really sure how you can make this in the editor but something like adding a new symbol or thing you can put down in the time line that makes it just flat nothing.. so that would fix the problem with the zoom in /zoom out ex: you put this on your left trigger then put the akimbo on your right trigger then turn both on. then shoot your right trigger and both will shoot correctly then when you hold down your left trigger (nothing happens) it will just regularly aim-down sight and no problem with the in/out zoom :) so hopefully this can be applied some how! Because i really wanted to use akimbo for black ops

so really not a pause feature. just a timeline editor prop.. or something that would make the left trigger do nothing just shoot one bullet. like if so there wasnt any rapidfire on. when the left trigger was pressed and held down


Active Member
have it so there is dual rapid fire untill you activate the left trigger then deactivate(pause left trigger rapid fire).....this is what the raven does....


New Member
odingalt said:
Can somebody translate for me, the run-on sentence is confusing as hell?

lol im sorry.. okay so you add something in the time-line editor that makes the left trigger or any other function do nothing. so like M1A1 said it'll just be like the raven where its "paused" on the left trigger and just plain nothing then on right trigger.. hold it down and both triggers shoot fine. then switch to FAL hold down left trigger and it aim-downs sight with no problem