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  1. S

    Viking Forge login

    Problem has been fixed. Thanks for the support!
  2. S

    Viking Forge login

    My Berserker was shipped yesterday so I wanted to look at the Forge. I received my username and password but could not log in. I submitted a ticket and my password was reset but I still cannot log in. I am using the site and have tried it on two separate PC's at...
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    Black Ops lll

    So far I like my Xbox One that came today. I actually enjoy the controller feel more than the PS4. The Xbox One is located out in my man cave which has a smaller 32" TV, but the graphics look really, really good. I chose the XB1 for my cave so I can do more cussing and raging without the...
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    Black Ops lll

    You and me both brother! I'm actually waiting for the PS4 and XB1 Berserker!! My Xbox 1 Fallout Edition is suppose to arrive tomorrow,(already have a copy of BO3 for it)... so I ordered a Zerker for it. I do have an Xbox One Viking Ragnarok still in the box waiting til tomorrow.... I am...
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    Black Ops lll

    Ok calling it a on East coast, been up for 22 hours....Have Fun everyone.
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    Black Ops lll

    Not enough on XR-2 .....
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    Black Ops lll

    Works great on VMP
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    Black Ops lll

    Great! Thank YOU!
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    Black Ops lll

    Bone, can you post some SPS's for various weapons for those of us who have Rag's??? Peace. Snuffy
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    PS4 Berserker.

    Tonight makes me wish the PlayStation 4 Berserker was available....:)
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    PS4 Berserker.

    Wondering on how the release of the PS4 Berserker will happen. Will it just show up one day in stock available for purchase, or will there be some type of notification email to everybody? Snuffy
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    Berserker vs Ragnarok for newbs

    After reading about the stick drift on the XB1 controllers, I'm leery of dropping 2 and a half on a device that may not even last a year. I am getting a XB1 console next month, and was thinking of getting a Berserker for it along with the PS4. Now I don't know.
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    Berserker vs Ragnarok for newbs

    While waiting for the PS4 Berserkers to go green, I was hoping someone can tell me about the Berserker/Macro controllers, and how to program them. Can they be programmed to change "rapid fire shots per second" with one button press while in-game? I want the controller to say, fire at 11.7 SPS...
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    Photos of the first PS4 Berserker prototype modchip

    So does anyone know the release date? Before November 6th?????
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    Anyone get the rainbow six beta?

    I'm disappointed that the game does not have a single player mode. I enjoyed the previous RB6s but now I'm not sure if I want it. I always play single player games. I would think the price would be cheaper but that's not the case
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    Ragnarok availability

    I read in the PS4 Berserker sub forum where you may not make the late September release date. What about the PS4 Ragnaroks, will they be available soon?
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    Berserker vs Ragnarok for newbs

    I hope the PS4 Berserker comes out soon.
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    Berserker vs Ragnarok for newbs

    Thanks Jim for the reply, it seems you have invested a great deal of money in controllers!! I want to get the best controller for my PS4 , and later in the year XBOX One, and buy once, and be done with it. It seems that the Viking Berserker controller will not have any settings programmed into...
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    Berserker vs Ragnarok for newbs

    Hello all, would like to know the advantage of the Berserker versus the Ragnarok for the XB1/PS4 for an old man with poor eyesight. :) I purchased a Ragnarok Xbox 360 controller in 2012 and I have been VERY happy with it. I really like the ability to use the modded controller software to change...
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    Ragnarok vs Macro

    I have only recently gotten into modded controllers. I chose the Ragnarok because I was concerned that the new Xbox 720 (or whatever it's called) that is soon to be released, would not be compatible with the current controllers offered by Viking, and the Macro controller was too much to spend on...