Try it today on PS3 and see if they updated it. Jitter worked for me last night on xbox but was patched when i woke up. So bcoester please confirm if it works or not for ps3 today!
Honestly I never really liked BO2 anyways! This just sells it off to me that its not worth owning. Im an old school gamer and im going back to the clasics like MW, MW2, MW3, COD 5, and BO. They were way more fun than BO2 anyways.
Ive tried to find different canclers to work around the X in the Xyy but no sucsess. I can manually xyy jitter but it will only shoot the same speed as if u were to regular fire the shotgun. I dont think anyone will be able to get around it. They put some mod block on the remmington and KSG...
hey zealander u should try to extend the last Y macro "before it loops back around" even with the other XY streatches. This might fix your switching to secondary problem. I havent tried your macro yet but when i find time ill check it out! here is a link that will show u what controller board u have by looking in the back of your controller where the battery pack is. It also shows the new matrix 2 board and u can...
Its worth a shot trying to exchange it for another controller. If they have the new white controllers i know those are cg2 boards also of u exchange it for another controller if its on a rack grab the controllers that are in the far back. Most times the store when they restock will move all the...
Take it back to the store u bought it from with your recept and say u bought it for a brother or uncle it it wasent the controller they wanted. They will have to refund u or stor credit u then just get another controller. If its been recent and everything appears new then take it back.
Wow thats a steel of a deal. All those coustom details at 150$. U would have to of had a lot of blows to the head to not swoop that up if you were looking for a controller. Dont stock ragnaroks go for about that price? U also get 11 different custom leds with custom shell and twist directional...
There are different jitter speed settings. There are 8 total different jitters on your ragnarok. It does make a big difference. Mode 4 and 8 are ideal for BO2. If u run modes 3 and 7 u can use dual pistols like the 3 round burst pistols and have a mule kick jitter if u hold bolth the LT & RT at...
If im not mistakin Matt i belive Rewkie only speaks spanish. I think ive tried talking to him before but it was difficult cause he knows very little english. I could be wrong all together "I hope Im not lol" but im 50% sure that Rewkie speaks spanish and has some little knowledge of english.
The macro jitter and ragnarok jitter are the same as far as when you finish your last bullet in shotguns that are not clip opperated "hints single loaded" where there are no rounds left "besides whats in your shotgun" the jitter wont work. I dont think it will be possible to slow it down to...
Yep its useless. The bullets are ghost bullets. Couldent kill a fly with it. It shows bullets going in the wall but u wont even get a hitmarker on anyone. Thats why in those vides u never see anyone diying. When I was making my jitter mods for my macro I had it shooting like that and its been...
Chicom RF
Here is a chicom RF i made. It shoots fast and almost has 0 recoil. Thought id share this one : ) This also will turn any regular fire weapon into a burst fire weapon. Good for long distance shots for better accuracy.
Hang tight im sure it wont be long till some admin or monerator sees your thread. They will direct u in the right location on how to handle the matter at hand : )
I have a fal/smr rf thats works great for bolth weapons. Its not the fastest fal rf but its good enough. Ill look it up and post it in this thread for u. Just give me a little time to post it for u.
Here it...
No dont belive so. See when you watch someone elses replay or kill cam your watching the speed off their connection. Just as if someone was watching your replays it would seem faster to them then on their screen when they are playing. If your watching youtube videos there is horrible lagg in...
Very smart. I wanted to suggest to just leave it as is but sometimes people get there mind set in one direction. Cosmetics isn't a big deal to me even though ive done many many installs and many led modifications. My motto is if it isn't broke dont fix it. Know exactily what u want to build when...
U know Im not good at computer stuff try opening the mediafolder then click the macros u want then save them to your desktop then go to the viking software and u should be able to access the macros u downloaded to your desktop. If that dosent work then maybe PM odingalt and ask if he knows how...