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  1. MJ23KB24

    Hey ModdingBros!

    Its cool man! We will smash it I personally have no problem with you. You seem like a chill guy. Remember it takes two to tango ( or in our case three haha) and I want to say sorry on our end too. I think we all got involved into a drama that was very stupid and unneeded. Honestly when I first...
  2. MJ23KB24

    DIY chip question?

    One more pics:
  3. MJ23KB24

    DIY chip question?

    Yeah haha I just ran into another problem though I was stuffing the stuff back into the controller to check if it worked turned it on and then whenever I held the mod switch and pressed a button nothing happing. The 4th LED is still on from the previous installation in which I didnt have VREF...
  4. MJ23KB24

    DIY chip question?

    Hahaha wow I feel like a loser now thanks man!
  5. MJ23KB24

    Progrmming help!!!

    Sorry I tried man I dont have a PS3 controller so Im not too sure about everything on there.
  6. MJ23KB24

    Haven't been posting much

    Its free all you need is shipping money which shouldnt be too much.
  7. MJ23KB24

    Progrmming help!!!

    Check out this page, hope this helps!
  8. MJ23KB24

    Haven't been posting much

    Viking does repairs on tac switches if you wanted to ship it in. Its in an extended warranty all by itself.
  9. MJ23KB24

    Melee Problem

    Dont believe there is however dont quote me on that. If there is then its going to have to do with hardware modification.
  10. MJ23KB24

    Is there a way to have a macro that pressed a button when indicated?

    The macro controller has no clue what is going on in the game. You can however time the macro to a specific time to press LT as long as you dont go over a certain amount of time.
  11. MJ23KB24

    DIY chip question?

    No I didnt even tin that point on the chip.
  12. MJ23KB24

    My macro controller is having problems with the thumbstick

    I would probably make a support ticket and send it in as that doesnt seem normal.
  13. MJ23KB24

    DIY chip question?

    Hey guys I have did my install however my down button to turn off modes does not work. Which point is the DPAD down? All the other directions work just not DPAD down and up. Also when I hold down RT with a rapid fire on it doesnt rapid fire and the LED blinks like crazy. Any help would be...
  14. MJ23KB24

    My macro controller is having problems with the thumbstick

    Sounds good man, theres no rush.
  15. MJ23KB24

    My macro controller is having problems with the thumbstick

    When updating the firmware go to this page and scroll all the way to the bottom. There are then two links and you then download both. If you scroll up a little there is a tutorial on how to update it.
  16. MJ23KB24

    My macro controller is having problems with the thumbstick

    When did you purchase the controller? You can file a support ticket over at and explain to them the situation you are having. Before you do that have you reflashed the firmware to it? If that doesnt work then do the support ticket system, they will get you all figured out with...
  17. MJ23KB24

    Is the included play and charge cable modded too?

    Nope it is a regular play and charge kit.
  18. MJ23KB24

    A quick thank you

    Glad you are enjoying your controller man! Vikings service like you said is outstanding,I love doing business with them.
  19. MJ23KB24

    Calling all clans!

    That is not a clan that would be a website.