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  1. MJ23KB24

    wondering when my controllers going to get here

    You should be fine just in the future dont make multiple threads over the same problem. Thanks. Wait for Odin to confirm this as Im not the owner of this company or associated with them in any way just a regular customer.
  2. MJ23KB24

    wondering when my controllers going to get here

    Im pretty sure it will just go to her apartment not positive though.
  3. MJ23KB24

    Tac switch STUCK

    Just send it in tac switches have an extended warranty so they will fix it for you! Just dont open up the controller.
  4. MJ23KB24

    New G36C Macro for 0 Recoil and fast firing!

    Im sorry I never did test it but I think you have it under control. Eventually I will test it just been really lazy lately haha.
  5. MJ23KB24

    Help making macros for sports titles

    Dont think that is possible sadly.
  6. MJ23KB24

    What all can the viking do for MW3?

    I have a quick reload for the ACR and the MK14. Have you had a look at my set of tutorials? If not go take a look at them and see if you can give making them a shot!
  7. MJ23KB24

    Help making macros for sports titles

    No although would be a really good suggestion for future updates of the firmware.
  8. MJ23KB24

    Macro doesn't record correctly

    The joysticks arent the best to record with however go back into the editor and play around with it a little.
  9. MJ23KB24

    Drop Shot is not working for MW3

    Hmmm thats odd well glad you got it all figured out! Your welcome for responding though. I dont even have a Ragnarok or any ps3 product from Viking however I figured I would give it a shot and try to help you out.
  10. MJ23KB24

    Drop Shot is not working for MW3

    Are you playing on default layout?
  11. MJ23KB24

    Macro doesn't record correctly

    What button presses do the macro consist of exactly?
  12. MJ23KB24

    What all can the viking do for MW3?

    Dang I totally forgot about those nice catch!
  13. MJ23KB24

    What all can the viking do for MW3?

    No I suggest my MW3 rapid fire and I have made different macros for such guns. The auto hold breath should but dont think anything else. What macros did you need?
  14. MJ23KB24

    What all can the viking do for MW3?

    Akimbo rapid fire, automatic quick scope, and hold breath. There might be more but Im not positive.
  15. MJ23KB24

    NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!! install of rognorak chip xbox 360

    I will be Im on now probably on until late tonight.
  16. MJ23KB24

    Help making macros for sports titles

    Yes all you do is move the first set of dots to the left and move the rest proportional to the first dots. That or speed it up in the gears.
  17. MJ23KB24

    received controller :D

    Totally am with you there.
  18. MJ23KB24

    received controller :D

    Glad you liked it! Once you buy one of their products your hooked, I know from experience.
  19. MJ23KB24

    I see that now you are selling the complete line of legacy controllers

    Thats pretty cool especially since it houses so many LED's. Like Matt said if you could design one to work independently I would definitely buy one just for one of my controller laying around here.