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  1. Fredrow

    hmmmm anyone seen this?

    Yeah I heard talks about this controller and saw other videos and such about a year ago. Someone else here within the Viking community was talking about it like a year ago...... So there Top Dogg, what's your plans with PS3 controllers??
  2. Fredrow

    Old Viking Controller worn out!!

    Good looking out BuddahMonk .......... xrated moddzz, just email me at
  3. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Here is the new custom VIking Macro controller RED/Black stock M$ shell, with PS3 sticks, and an added bonus XCM lights.....Booooo Yeaaaahhhh.... I need some toilet paper cuz I’m the straight Shit!!!! [attachment=0:24fyuepi]BR_Macro.png[/attachment:24fyuepi] Check out...
  4. Fredrow

    Is East Seattle Electronics Legit???

    Here is the new custom VIking Macro controller RED/Black stock M$ shell, with PS3 sticks, and an added bonus XCM lights.....Booooo Yeaaaahhhh.... I need some toilet paper cuz I’m the straight Shit!!!![attachment=0:l5dystib]BR_Macro.png[/attachment:l5dystib] Check out...
  5. Fredrow

    For Anyone Curious About East-Seattle-Electronics

    Here is the new custom VIking Macro controller RED/Black stock M$ shell, with PS3 sticks, and an added bonus XCM lights.....Booooo Yeaaaahhhh.... I need some toilet paper cuz I’m the straight Shit!!!![attachment=0:2hpkb3xx]BR_Macro.png[/attachment:2hpkb3xx] Check out...
  6. Fredrow

    Contacting Viking

    Well "Modder," if you want you can email me at and I can help you out with your problem?
  7. Fredrow

    Windows Phone 7

    Nice..... Yeah I'm kind of bummed out that I bought the HTC evo, because I was waiting for the Windows 7 phone. I heard about the phone like a year ago, and I just remember hearing all the cool features and how it will integrate with Xbox Live. Plus I'm just a huge fan of Microsoft......
  8. Fredrow

    think ive broke a controller

    Yes, you can find the two points on the trace, one before and one after the area that you ruined the trace. Then just solder on a small jumper wire to complete the circuit.
  9. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

  10. Fredrow

    Button Locations - Employees Answer Only

    Well this customer could get this done, that's if only Viking was nice enough to sell some chips to East-Seattle-Electronics........ :mrgreen:
  11. Fredrow

    Question about the joysticks....

    Yeah your second guess to the question! :mrgreen: I'm playing around with a macro that pull down on the right-thumbstick AND shooting at the same time. Also I do want to know if it's possible to decrease the total sensitivity of the whole joystick? Because I had this idea that maybe by...
  12. Fredrow

    Contoller Broke?

    Mr. I pretty sure that it says in the Viking360 FAQ; that if your controller has any issues as into electrical then you need to first open up a support ticket, but if you dropped your controller or you spilled something on it then; you should not be trying to get it fixed for free. The Viking360...
  13. Fredrow

    Question about the joysticks....

    SO is there a way to change the sensitivities of the analog sticks? Using the Macro software??
  14. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Yes, Yes, and Yes... I made the Y upside down so all the top of the letters were facing each other. If you did not know, I installed an XCM circuit board inside of this controller, and changed all the LEDs to red, except for the middle guide button it is yellow.