Search results

  1. obo

    BXB macro

    I can easily see that. You need host for a lot of glitches in the halo series. Bungie puts a lot of time making sure glitches aren't a part of their games and it shows. I'll test it out this weekend if i get the chance. (Sorry, i would get to it sooner, but I'm in the middle of swim season...
  2. obo

    Software update?

    Sorry to intervene here, but i just kind of wanted to voice my opinion on this. Being a moderator to me isn't about being able to delete/edit/sticky/moderate posts that people make. Sure that is an added responsibility that i'm willing to take, but people generally behave pretty well on these...
  3. obo

    BXB macro

    This. Without knowing what buttons to press, we won't know how to make the macro lol
  4. obo

    capture card opinions

    Honestly, i use a dazzle dvd recorder and it works really well for recording. All in all it probably costs around 70-100$ to get it all set up depending on which cables and which dazzle you get. And that would be brand new. You could likely get one on ebay with everything you need for 50 bucks...
  5. obo

    First Anti-Recoil M14 10 sensitivity

    would you care to explain to me how you went about creating this macro? every single anti-recoil macro i have created has gone horribly wrong and the analog sticks get messed up beyond belief.
  6. obo

    I had a brain fart.

    can you record hdmi with HD PVRs?
  7. obo

    I had a brain fart.

    sounds like a good idea. i'll have to get my dazzle back from my friend and then i can do some recording.
  8. obo

    Killstreak macro

    its a good idea, but it would have to be coded for each person specifically. I guarantee your nuketown killstreaks are different from mine, and every other viking user. The combinations are endless. Also, you would have to remember what each tac switch changed your killstreaks to would be a...
  9. obo

    Post your sensitivities here

    still rocking the default sensitivity =p I honestly find that i play better on whatever the default sensitivity is for a game. That typically seems to be the speed that applies to most people. I honestly play worse on higher sensitivities lol. The only game i play on a higher sensitivity is...
  10. obo

    Return Policy

    van, to answer your question, viking360 does not have a return policy. The only exception to this is if the product is defective in some way within the first 90 days of receiving it. In that case, the controller would be eligible for free repairs under the 90 day warranty that comes with your...
  11. obo

    RT2 button is broken on brand new controller

    it's also 90% useless :P
  12. obo

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Re: Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electroni at the moment he doesnt have any more viking chips. The only way he could make a custom controller is if somebody bought a controller and then sent it to him to be customised
  13. obo

    (NEED HELP!) Fake death *added a test macro

    nyjets, you've honestly been helping out the forums a lot by creating all of these macros. Keep up the good work bro.
  14. obo

    UPS timeline

    If an order is received before 4:00 PM on a business day, it will usually be shipped out the next business day.
  15. obo

    Screen resolution too small? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

    Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! Hey jayjoes. The problem you are having is that the software is running on 1280 x 1024 pixels, and your computer is not. To change your screen resolution go to control panel -> display -> appearance. There should be a little slider bar where you can change to a...
  16. obo

    Awesome idea

    this would be a great idea. I'll look into it as well. We can have a competition =p
  17. obo

    Will viking install a custom shell?

    I think what PS3ANDCOD was reffering to was purchasing a pre-modded viking macro controller and then shipping the controller plus the shell he wanted to Fredrow. I'm sure Fredrow would be more than happy to put the two together for a small fee.
  18. obo

    Not Going Anywhere

    Re: Going elsewhere To answer your question, the controller that you get will be a CG2 circuit board. This is the newest circuit board for Microsoft controllers to date. And sure lol, i can change your title for you.
  19. obo

    Not Going Anywhere

    Re: Going elsewhere By posting links, often the posts that are linked have a ton of information in them. And if you have questions, often times they have already been answered in another post. It's very typical for the same questions to appear more than once. If you use the search bar up top...
  20. obo


    These are all things that i'm going to be looking into. As of right now the macro controller's analog stick directions are not working too great, so it will have to be a button pushing macro.