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  1. MJ23KB24

    Call Of Duty Black Ops: FN FAL RAGE!

    Ive never got banned well at least a permanent one.
  2. MJ23KB24

    Call Of Duty Black Ops: FN FAL RAGE!

    Nice microsoft annoys me too however without them the awesome console you have wouldnt be possible.
  3. MJ23KB24

    Who wants to help me test my macro set?

    If I had gears I would do it but sadly I dont :(.
  4. MJ23KB24

    Call of Duty Double XP Across The Whole Franchise Next Week!

    Ya that would be cool to have a separate place for that. By the way thanks for keeping me updated on things. I get home and check the forums but by the time I get home Im too tired to go searching for all that good stuff.
  5. MJ23KB24

    Shell Question

    Look at Fredrows website he has some controllers similar to what you want on there under like previous work.
  6. MJ23KB24

    Call of Duty Double XP Across The Whole Franchise Next Week!

    I was hoping to get my hands on a hardened edition but they are all sold out however this will let me get to fifteenth on black ops and I could get ready for mw3.
  7. MJ23KB24

    Make this!

    Ya sorry cant trick the game would be nice but then it would be system tampering and then you would get hit with a ban.
  8. MJ23KB24

    Shipping Charges High? International Shipping Questions? Please Visit Here!

    The best controller in the world not selling? I think not eventually they will all sell especially since its getting to the holiday season. From what I heard they get a lot of sales around this time of year. So yes I do think it will still sell.
  9. MJ23KB24

    Make this!

    It wouldnt be too hard however if your getting shot close enough then I dont think you will be able to cook that grenade before your dead. Just listen to the grenade it clicks so record you cooking a grenade and on the third click stop the recording or throw it down.
  10. MJ23KB24

    New Controllers? How many old controllers left? Macro, legacy, prices, what to buy?

    Price to make the chips in the controllers is a big thing also the controllers motherboard got discontinued.
  11. MJ23KB24

    New Controllers? How many old controllers left? Macro, legacy, prices, what to buy?

    249 macros are left I think. Not sure how much the prices will raise less in stock higher the price. So get yours soon.
  12. MJ23KB24

    No way!!!

    Thanks for the heads up odin didnt even have to play the video haha.
  13. MJ23KB24

    Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Launch Trailer!

    Out of all the Call of Duties I dont think Ive played one campaign haha.
  14. MJ23KB24

    Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Launch Trailer!

    Cant wait!!! Although I know all Ill play is multiplayer.
  15. MJ23KB24 modded controllers

    I have had my controller and its incredible using my rapid fire Im pretty sure there is no other controller faster. Take a peek at my channel and you can make your own judgement call. The Macro controller can fill all your needs with the rapid fire for every button. I personally think this...
  16. MJ23KB24

    2011 World Series!

    I get super bored watching baseball so i could care less. Dont even know the other team thats playing so I guess GO RANGERS haha.
  17. MJ23KB24

    Calling All Rapid-Fires!

    Same with me.
  18. MJ23KB24 modded controllers

    I do not own gears have played it though. The only reason I dont is because I dont have the money. Personally I love Gears its really fun but I have no steady flow of income so getting money can be a struggle.
  19. MJ23KB24

    MW3 Midnight release?

    If the ISO comes out for the jtag ill start working on macros then. If not, I will probably spend some time on those also.
  20. MJ23KB24

    Calling All Rapid-Fires!

    RapidFirezzz has anyone tested this out? Most likely you are going to have to wait until you have your controller to test because your pretty much taking a stab in the dark.