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  1. MJ23KB24 modded controllers

    From what I heard this is the best macro set for Gears 3 Ive personally never tried it out but here you go:!!!!
  2. MJ23KB24

    Calling All Rapid-Fires!

    The jitter one is the probably not going to happen but the other one it very possible. You could make it very easily just simply put the record function on your controller then hit record, hit over on the dpad, then shoot your noob tube and play it back. You could also get that recording and...
  3. MJ23KB24

    Calling All Rapid-Fires!

    samzls? Ive never heard of his may have to try it out. Sgts is pretty fast along with mine. They are almost unnoticeable at the naked eye but after a certain speed its going to be like that anyways. Also have you tried ModdingBros rapid fire just out of curiosity?
  4. MJ23KB24

    Why not slowerfire

    ya same here I could still turn on kids but im not spinning super fast.
  5. MJ23KB24

    Calling All Rapid-Fires!

    Its up here on the forums right here just had to dig it up.!&highlight=macro+set Its in there on one of the last pages. My personal experience is the skips are really crazy for me even after editing it a little but try it...
  6. MJ23KB24

    New Controllers? How many old controllers left? Macro, legacy, prices, what to buy?

    I would totally buy two vikings if I had the money. In my eyes no modded controller can compare to the macro period.
  7. MJ23KB24

    Sponsorship From Guy off You-Tube

    He is asking for a sponsorship from viking not to sponsor you I think.
  8. MJ23KB24

    Fal rapid fire game play

    Yup anytime. Always good to help out.
  9. MJ23KB24

    Does Anyone Have A 48-hour trial???

    He offered to make one for you RapidFirezz which is a nice gesture.
  10. MJ23KB24

    Fal rapid fire game play

    Nice gameplay heres the video embedded for you.
  11. MJ23KB24

    New Controllers? How many old controllers left? Macro, legacy, prices, what to buy?

    Yes that is about right 250 controllers so get yours soon!
  12. MJ23KB24

    10 Sensitivity 360 QuickScope Collateral clip in HD

    That was sweet man! In black ops your lucky to even get a hard scope collateral let alone a 360 one. If I did that I would of been freaking out haha.
  13. MJ23KB24

    Just ordered the Roxio!

    Nice hope all your video making plans pan out as you want. I always thought I would make tons of videos but I ended up not making that many after I got my Hauppage. Although I have been trying to get better and uploading.
  14. MJ23KB24

    New Controllers? How many old controllers left? Macro, legacy, prices, what to buy?

    Yes I shall direct you to this thread has a lot of your answers in it :
  15. MJ23KB24 modded controllers

    Dang your a lucky man a girl that wants to play xbox havent found one of those yet.
  16. MJ23KB24

    Aim down sights

    I might take a peek at it when I get home.
  17. MJ23KB24 modded controllers

    Ill add and you twelve hours must be rough on you man.
  18. MJ23KB24 modded controllers

    Hope you enjoy both controller however just from experience you will absolutely love your macro controller. One of the best investments ive made and it never gets old to hop on some COD and hear people nag about your modded controller. I will be looking forward to your review. If you have any...
  19. MJ23KB24

    Calling All Rapid-Fires!

    I didnt even download it nice catch tryhard.
  20. MJ23KB24

    Calling All Rapid-Fires!

    RapidFirezz has anyone tested your out because you dont even have a controller so don't say yours is fast if no ones tested it out.