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  1. V 360 SinneR

    Please Help Intstall modes

    could someone help me install some modes for my new Viking controller by using team viewer :?:
  2. V 360 SinneR

    desktop background change?

    OMG It actually worked thanks bro! :D :D :D :D :D
  3. V 360 SinneR

    desktop background change?

    Does anyone how to change that boring desktop background for windows starter 7 pack:?:
  4. V 360 SinneR

    Screen resolution too small? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

    Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! OMG it accentually worked! thanks man your a life saver i owe you one big time cheers mate! :D p.s forget about the pm msg i did it already lol!
  5. V 360 SinneR

    Screen resolution too small? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

    Re: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! By the way its windows 7 starter im using heres some other info about my pc ASUS Eee PC Processor:Intel (R) Atom(TM) cpu N270 @1.60GHz 1.60GHZ Installed memory (RAM) 1.00GB System type: 32-bit Operating System. Max Resolution it can go up to 1024x600 and thats...
  6. V 360 SinneR

    Screen resolution too small? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

    Guys im having a bit of a problem with my pc. you see its a notebook that im using right now and its very small and when i open my viking360 software page it doesn't Fit! when i open it up the top part of the page is missing where my marco editor is some other stuff as well. If someone could...
  7. V 360 SinneR

    Ordered It!

    Ive ordered it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Now What? will it get delayed by shiping do you think guys?