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  1. K

    Custom painted sleeper

    yeah. it looks nice though. maybe you could say the indented stripes are a "special edition" grip lol
  2. K

    instant riot shield kill

    I was looking around the se7ensins forums because im thinking about a jtag, but i found this thread there. it tells a way to get an instant riot shield kill, and kind of reminds me of halos bxb. do you think we could get a code for this. heres the thread.
  3. K

    New mod from Evil Controllers!

    well the evil auto burst is jitter mod so i find it hard to believe it increases accuracy because jitter moves all around when you shoot.
  4. K

    Piano Black Shell?
  5. K

    Piano Black Shell?

    you could probably get fredrow to do it for a little bit of money. i got my piano black xcm case done by fredrow. they say they are hard to work with because there are wires everywhere in an xcm case
  6. K

    Piano Black Shell?

    i got mine from i put the shell on my controller and fredrow put that chip in for me. they are really nice looking shells
  7. K


    Yeah they said the first set they tried to make went terribly wrong, but since they are working on the gui i dont think the chip will be out for a while. it was suppose to be hooked to the d pad and let you program your own macros
  8. K

    10th prestige hate?

    haha me and my friends get flamed all the time too. heres what you tell them, your just mad it took me 5 minutes to get to a level that will take you20 days to get to
  9. K

    xbox 360 elite Problem.

    Yeah thats what happened to mine. i turned it off to see if it would fix the problem and there was the rrod staring me in the face. but i sent mine into xbox and got it back 2 weeks from the day i sent it
  10. K

    JTAG lobby results!

    yeah i would donate too, i only got a couple kills. because i got in but like 2 minutes after it was like migrating hosts and everyone got kicked. then i didnt get an invite back. but i would be willing to pay for the new account im making
  11. K

    Funniest Gamertags

    ive seen a few crazy ones but the one that cracked me up was I eat babies
  12. K


    only in the all in one driver
  13. K

    DIY kits

    fredrow just started selling them on ese
  14. K

    Viking 360 get ready...

    almost 50,000 views on wings of redemptions viking360 controller review video
  15. K

    REPAIR MY DRIFTING LEFT ANALOG STICK? ... cts_id/962 This is a repair kit from talismoon and they sell them a couple places but if you have experience in soldering then you desolder the points and put the analog stick in and resolder.
  16. K

    xcm case

    oh. cool. and that controller looks really nice by the way
  17. K

    xcm case

    Did it work because on my xcm case its almost like the bumpers are softer than on a regular controller shell.
  18. K


    haha ive done it before. go to your local movie/video game rental mw2 and swap disks
  19. K

    xcm case

    To those of you guys with xcm controller cases. i know the bumpers dont work that great but has anyone tried putting on bumpers from a regular controller? does it work any better?
  20. K

    Akimbo mode

    Why dont you just use jitter. it will fire just as fast but it will also work with rafficas and you can turn it off