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  1. N

    Placing a macron on a button doesn't replace the button action?

    Unless newer software has rendered this 'bug' as squashed, this (assigned to your LS button) should cancel out all LS on that page until you change pages.
  2. N

    Placing a macron on a button doesn't replace the button action?

    Theres a macro that bugs-out the stick. So if you don't want LS to have ANY feature at all, I can give you a macro that will do that... but the macro renders LS useless on that page from then on and all macros on that page that use LS, the LS does nothing.
  3. N

    Is snaking patched in multiplayer

    Yeah - brian I understand how snaking works - but in multiplayer when I watch killcams I am no longer snaking just crouching. They patched the snaking glitch at least for me. 2 days ago I could snake no problem in multiplayer, however, they've patched it at least for me. It works in local, it...
  4. N

    Placing a macron on a button doesn't replace the button action?

    Nope this is how it works. That's why we have 6 tacs.
  5. N

    Is snaking patched in multiplayer

    Yeah same problem here
  6. N

    Macro Text?

    Oh - no it does not.
  7. N

    Macro Text?

    Make a macro that when you press something it has the correct analog movements + a button presses and such to type out 'Wolfie' ... use the record macro feature
  8. N

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Miscellaneous

    I could probably make something in a week or so but maybe Brian has time to do it earlier
  9. N

    Library login failure?

    Wolfie that's crazy! $150 to $250 an hour....
  10. N

    Is snaking patched in multiplayer

    It isn't working anymore in multiplayer for me!
  11. N

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Zombies

    No you just can't shoot when you aren't moving or else your head will come up enough that you can get hit.
  12. N

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Zombies

    Beta 2 is out check the OG post, and feel free to use beta 1 but beta 2 is infinitely better
  13. N

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Zombies

    slight bugs I'm fixing with beta 1 expect beta 2 within 48 hours
  14. N

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Zombies

    I have released my invincibility mod beta version 1 to the original post. Let me know how it is!
  15. N

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Miscellaneous

    Sounds good. It may sometimes actually be beneficial to change the speed multiplier! I found changing the speed multiplier on the original snake from the first page by mattyboy from 1.00 to .97 the snaking avoids being hit better without needing movement. As long as you don't get prone blocked...
  16. N

    Snaking Macro

    Thanks a ton mattyboy!
  17. N

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Snaking + Invincibility in Zombies!!!!

    Any intelligent macro creators! I need your assistance. Take the snaking macro found here: And slightly edit the a dots. Basically move the a dots slightly apart from each other or close together. I'm...
  18. N

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Zombies

    Yeah! So far I'm working on it. You are invincible in a pack of zombies but when you shoot you become vulnerable and die. Trying to fix that. Moving + Shooting = invincible but I'm trying to get it perfect.
  19. N

    Snaking Macro

    I'm testing some edits to your macro for 100% invincibility in zombies. It is possible for sure just need to improve the timings! Idk if you want to take a stab at improving your macro's timings in zombies mode to get invincibility because with a perfect snake zombies can't hit you!
  20. N

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Snaking + Invincibility in Zombies!!!!

    I'm trying to get 100% invincibility, using just snaking + moving I can still get hit. I'm trying to find a way to not get hit at all no matter what. Brian can you play with the timings of the a/b(rs) of the snaking mod here...